综合教程6 unit 10答案

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Unit 10: Sweet September


IV. Explain in your own words the following sentences taken from the text.

1.September—coming as scheduled and in its unhurried pace—begins to reap what summer has


2.The plant entrusts its future to the seed and the root. The insect produces the egg and the pupa

in which its future is stored.

3.By the end of September, the autumn season has gathered an overwhelming abundance of



I. Explain the underlined parts in each sentence in your own words.

1). After summer’s heat and haste, the year consolidates itself.

→ steadies itself and strengthens its hold on what has been achieved

2). It creeps in on a misty dawn and vanishes in the hot afternoon.

→ comes in without being noticed; completely disappears

3). It tiptoes through the treetops, rouging a few leaves...

→ moves softly; making ... red

4). September flowers are less varied than those of May but so abundant that they make

September another flowery month.

→ so plentiful/existing in such large amounts

5). The surge is almost over and life begins to relax.

→ The period of fast growth and renewal; calm/slow down

6). The green prime is passing.

→ The best period of a year when all the plants are green and full of energy

7). But cold-blooded insects are at the mercy of the sun and now their clocks run down.

→ dependent on the sun; their lives are coming to an end

8). Now they are gregarious, with time for tribal gossip and community play.

→ have formed large flocks (or, so to speak, tribes and communities), and they have time to communicate and play with each other

9). The year’s season in the sun has run its course.

→ has come to a natural end

10). After the color in the woodlands, the leaves will blanket the soil.

→ cover the ground completely with a thick layer like a blanket

4. Explain the meaning of the underlined part in each sentence.

1). We cannot stand idly by while these people suffer.

→ do nothing

2). We’re going to have to up the tempo if we’re to finish the work on time.

→ work faster

3). The whole experience left me with frayed nerves.

→ feeling anxious

4). In her haste to get up from the table, she knocked over a cup.

→ hurry

5). I breathed in deeply the crisp mountain air.

→ cold, dry and fresh

6). In any advertising campaign, you must accent the areas where your product is better than those of the competition.

→ emphasize

7). My abiding memory is of him watering his plants in the garden on sunny afternoons.

→ lasting

8). There’s a big cupboard under the stairs for stowing toys.

→ storing

9). He pays scant attention to the needs of his children.

→ little

10). We were invigorated by our walk.

→ felt fresher, healthier and more energetic


I. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words or phrases given in brackets.

1). 我们赶紧跑出商店,拼命追赶,但那小偷已经无影无踪了。(vanish into)

→ We rushed out of the shop in hot pursuit, but the thief had vanished into thin air.

2). 如果你想成为一名演员,就必须全身心地投入。(commit oneself to)

→ If you want to be an actor you have to really commit yourself to it.

3). 他等到女儿睡着了,然后才蹑手蹑脚地悄悄走出房间。(tiptoe)

→ He waited until his daughter was asleep, and then tiptoed quietly out of the room.

4). 我能感觉到血液在我的血管里搏动。(pulse through)

→ I can feel the blood pulsing through my veins.

5). 如果你正确对待,中年将是你一生中的全盛时期。(prime)

→ Middle age can be the prime of your life if you have the right attitude.

6). 废弃的食品盒和瓶子被胡乱地扔在街道上。(discard; litter)

→ Discarded food containers and bottles littered the streets.

7). 在许多人眼中,他的所作所为严重地降低了自己的声誉。(diminish)

→In many people’s eyes, what he did has seriously diminish ed his reputation.

8). 过去没有现代的机械设备,农民基本上是看天吃饭。(at the mercy of)

→In the past, when there were no modern machines, the peasants were basically at the mercy of the weather
