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1. 一个有经验的工人an experienced worker=a worker with rich experience

在…方面没有经验be inexperienced in sth.

一次难忘的经历an unforgettable experience

体验不同的文化experience different cultures

2. 谋生earn a living=make a living

挣钱earn money=make money

赢得美名earn a reputation

博得某人的尊敬earn one's respect

3. 尊敬某人show respect for sb.

=respect sb.

4. 致力于;献身于devote oneself to+n./doing sth.=be devoted to+n./doing sth. 把(人生、时间、劳力等)专用于……

devote sth. to sth./doing sth.


one's devotion to sth./doing sth.

5. 平均on (the/an) average

高于/低于平均above/below average

平均有an average of...

一个普通的学生an average student

6. 努力做某事struggle to do sth.

挣扎着站起来struggle to one's feet


It's a struggle for sb. to do sth.

7. 免费for free=free of charge

=for nothing

8. 喜爱,喜欢be fond of

9. 回忆,回顾look back (on)

10. 使某人满意的是to one's satisfaction

表达对…的满意express sb's satisfaction with

11. 和某人交换某物exchange sth. with sb.

以……交换in exchange for...

12. 前者,后者the former,the latter

我以前的同事my former colleague

13. 毕业于graduate from

毕业之后after graduation

14. 把……捐给……donate...to...

15. 独立于某人be independent of sb.

依靠某人be dependent on sb.

16. 利用make use of=take advantage of

充分利用make full use of

=make the best of=make the most of

17. 为……做准备prepare for

=make preparations for=in preparation for

为(做)某事做好了准备be prepared for/to do

使某人为(做)某事做好准备prepare sb. for sth./to do sth.

18. 指控某人犯……罪;指责某人做了某事

charge sb. with sth.=accuse sb. of sth.

免费free of charge=for free

某人负责某事sb. take charge of sth.

=sb. be in charge of sth.

某事由某人负责sth. be in/under the charge of

19. 告知某人某事inform sb. of/about sth.

随时让某人了解keep sb. informed of sth.

20. 开放时间opening hours

21. 经营一家旅馆/自己的人生

run a hotel/one's life

22. 批准一项计划approve a plan

=give approval to a plan

同意某人做approve of sb. doing

23. 现场直播be broadcast live

在电台里播放be broadcast on the radio

24. 去远足go for an outing

25. 一代代地传了下来

be passed down generation after generation

=be passed down from generation to generation

为后代造福benefit future generations

消除代沟narrow/bridge the generation gap

26. 一个发达的国家 a developed country

一个发展中的国家 a developing country

逐步养成……的习惯develop the habit of...

逐步对……感兴趣develop an interest in...

冲洗照片develop photos

患癌症develop cancer

研制新的药物develop a new drug

27. 一……就on/upon doing 或on/upon+n.

28. 后悔做某事regret doing sth

遗憾要做某事regret to do sth

29. rather than意为“而不是”;

other than常用否定句,意为“除了……”;

more than意为“多于;非常;不仅仅”

M1U2 growing pains重点短语背诵1.担任act as=work as=serve as

演电影act in a film

2. 迫不及待地做某事can't wait to do sth.

3. 害怕某事/做某事be frightened of sth./to do sth.
