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The material for revision




Unit 1 Hello!


句子:hello; What is your name? I am…(介绍自己); Goodbye;How old are you? I am 6\7 years old. 1—10的说法

Unit 2 My school


句子:Who is that? She\ he is…(男孩用he,女孩用she);

how are you? I am fine/ok/ happy/ sad/ so so...

Unit 3 My favourite toys

单词:car;bike;train doll;ball;computer;black;brown;grey;white;

in;on;under;next to;

句子:Where is ……? It is…….

Unit 4 My family

单词:father; mother; grandma; grandpa; sister; brother; beautiful;

young; ugly; happy; old; sad; angry; handsome

句子:She is my mother/ grandma/ sister. She is beautiful/...

He is my father/ grandpa/ brother. He is handsome/…

Unit 5 Our pets

单词:dog; mouse; horse; cat; fish; bird; big; dirty; long;

clean; short; small

句子:It is a dog/ mouse… It’s big/ small/…

Unit 6 My face

单词:face; ears; eyes; mouth; nose; teeth; toe; finger;

句子:I’ve got…

Have you got…? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.

Unit 7 Wild animals

单词:crocodile;elephant;giraffe;hippo; monkey;snake; tiger;

arm;foot; feet; hand; leg; head; hair

句子:They’ve got… They haven’t got…

Unit 8 My clothes

单词:trousers T-shirt shoes socks skirt sweater jacket shirt

句子: He’s/ she’s got…. He/ she hasn’t got….

(例如:He’s got a red jacket and a white hat.)

Unit 9 Fun time

单词:play football;swim;play tennis;play the piano;play basketball;

ride a bike;play the guitar;can; can’t

句子:I can…

Can you…? Yes, I can. No, I can’t.

Unit 10 At the funfair


ride---riding;sit--sitting; drive---driving; walk---walking

句子:What are you doing? I am flying/ riding/ driving/sitting/ walking Unit 11 Our house

单词:bathroom; bedroom; dining room; hall; kitchen; living room; cook;

wash; play; watch TV; sleep; eat;

句子:What is he/she doing? He’s/ she’s …ing.

What are they doing? They are …ing.

Unit 12 Party time

单词:apple; banana; burger; cake; chocolate; ice-cream; orange; chips;

rice; fish;

句子:I like… I don’t like…

I like … and… I don’t like…or…

Do you like…? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.


1. Aa----[?] apple bag dad hat map pad as nap has pal

had rat sad fat bad cat at cap cab


2. Ii----[i] fish big drink sit milk in fin pig lip zip

tip dig him wig sib lit hid kid kiss mitt


3. Uu---- [?] bus cup jump up cub rub us sub bun gum yum

hum pun gun run fun buzz jug mud



Monty at Mcburgers

Monty was a monster, a big friendly monster. His little friend, Titch, was a friendly monster too. One day Monty and Titch were feeling hungry, so they went out for a burger, Titch wanted to have a big burger, but Monty wanted a monster burger.

“I want a big burger,” said Titch.

“I want a monster burger,” said Monty.
