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然而研究生另外一个重要的阶段就是Learn how to learn,不只是学习而已,而是学习如何学习,不再是要去买一件很漂亮的衣服,而是要学习拿起那一根针,学会绣出一件漂亮的衣服。我要慢慢学习把目标放在一个标准上,而这一个标准就是我将来要完成研究生论文。


Since we became a graduate student that we have been already in another stage, not only to enjoy it,but also have more desire to accept all kinds of interesting knowledge, then entered the stage of creating knowledge. By accepting knowledge to create knowledge, is the biggest characteristic as a graduate student, not only that, but also realize their is no longer a container, waiting for the teacher to pour something into it, but gradually develop and improve myself.As a graduate student should attach great importance to the research direction of themselves, and not like the university as scattershot. As a college student,because I need to create yourself to accept anything but the graduate students, with an ultimate goal, is to complete the these, the paper is a collection of all research results, so this time I want to have a specific direction of study.

Yet another important stage is to Learn how to Learn, not just learning, but learning how to Learn, it is no longer going to buy a beautiful coat, but learn how to pick up a needle and embroider a beautiful dress. I will learn how to get target on a standard, which will complete my graduate thesis.

Not only that, but my graduate student life is rich and

colorful.Except scientific research I will strengthen my comprehensive ability.Such as taking actively participate in social activities and ecreational and sports activities. Then I will have a good mind and healthy body which will give better service for the scientific research.
