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大学英文简介,学校英文简介模板,大学介绍 INTRDUCTIN XX University, funded in XX, is ne f the key universities f the prvince.Its five campuses are lcated respectively in cities f XX, cvering the areas f mre than XX millin square metres. There are XX clleges ffering XX specialties fr bachelr degree and XX prgrams fr master degree. The campuses’ libraries pssess a cllectin f ver XX millin vlumes f bks. The apparatuses and equipments are valued at arund 19 millin yuan RMB. The teaching faculty is mre than XXX and ttal enrllment is XXX . Flling the mtt “In educatin, truth culd nt be btained ithut practice; the subtleness f matters culd nt be apprached ithut experiment”, XXX has frged a traditin f running schl f the binatins f teaching, research ith scial services. Since 1989,XX natinal aards and XXX prvincial aards have been n fr its excellent achievements in teaching and research. The quantity and grade f scientific and technlgical aards have been ranking first amng the prvincial universities fr ten years in a r. XXX is als ranked amng the tp 10 universities f China fr decades. ? XXX is ne f the ldest higher educatinal institutins in China, and ne f the key universities f the prvince. ? Since 1989, XX natinal aards and XXX prvincial aards have been n fr its excellent achievements in teaching. ? Crss-disciplinary prgrams cver the field f agriculture, industry, basic sciences, ecnmics, management, literature, la and iatrlgy. ? Lcated in XX , ne hur t XXX by train, t-hur’s trip t XXX Internatina l Airprt . ? XXX has established fficial cperative relatinship ith XX rld famus universities in verseas cuntries.


英文版山东理工大学校园介绍 CAMPUS As I enter the XI campus,ith its grey arched suth gate,I ntice an avenue. G straight dn this avenue I can see the Hng Yuan building ith 9 streys high. In frnt f this building lies a square, n hich stands a grass area. Next t this building is a lake,hich has been carved up int t parts by a charming arch bridge. There are many easeful stne chairs nearby the lake hich prvided cnvenience fr us t have a fresh air under the shinny green trees. e can enjy ur eekend in the beautiful pavilin ith the artificial lake. G acrss the garden and alk tard the est,the starting pint in my vie is t mini mutns surrunding arund. There are steps up t the tp f the hill directly hich ffer us a chance t d exercise and have relaxatins during ur spare time. ur YIFU library is famus in ur university fr its magnificent structures and frtable screen. The lake in frnt f the library adds mre vigr t the atmsphere f studying. ur campus is as beautiful as a painting at all seasns. The scenery f trees and flers culd alays make yu feel arm just like at yur n hme. All I have said abve is nt enugh t sh yu ur fantastic campus,if yu ant t verify my rds,ele.


关于介绍大学的英语作文 ele t ...... University, hich is ne f the key universities in ......prvince. As a science cllege, ur cllege regard the civil engineering as the key discipline and mainly cultivate science and technlgical talents , and there als are liberal arts majrs such as ecnmic, cultural and thers,. As a freshman, yu shuld learn sme basic curses, such as advanced mathematics ,Cllege English ,Cllege Physics, mechanics, PE and s n. The junir ill need t learn sme prfessinal

curses.Students can chse the directins accrding t their interests t cntinue a further study.Being the senir , the majrity f peple ill get a jb in a gd pany. but the premise is that yu need t read all the prfessinal pulsry, and pass the exam ith great grades.In additin ,yu shuld learn elective curses and get
