冀教版-英语-七上-第41课 Holidays导学案

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Lesson41 Holidays



1 掌握单词:present, festival, mountain, international, national, usually, during, climb

2 掌握短语:New Year’s Day, International Workers’ Day , Children’s Day, Teacher s’ Day, National Day, the

Spring Festival

3 掌握句型:①What do you like to do on holiday?

②My mum and I like to go shopping during the Spring Festival.





【学法指导】1.自主学习,并通过熟读课文独立完成相应练习。2.课堂探究,针对自主学习过程中的疑难点大胆质疑,教师点拨,学生独立完成导学案。 3.自主归纳知识点,作好学情反馈。【预习导学】


1.October 1st is N Day. 2.We’re going to Beijing for our h.

3.The sun gives us light d the day. 4.Tom is p his report about animals.

5. Does he u go to school by bike.


1. The weather is cold and cloudy.天气很冷并且多云。

cloudy “有云的,多云的”,名词cloud+y 构成的形容词,类似的词还有:snowy, rainy, windy等。

2. I would like to talk about holidays in China.我想谈谈关于中国的节日。

to talk about holidays in China 是不定式短语,在句中作宾语。

3.Holidays are fun. 节日很有趣。

fun 在本句中用作名词,表示“乐趣;快乐;享乐的事”。如:Swimming in the sea is great fun.在海里游泳很好玩。

4.We can play with our friends and get together with our families during holidays.在节日里我们可以和朋友们玩并和家人团聚。

1) play在句中做不及物动词,意为“玩”,play with sb. 意为“和某人一起玩”。play with sth. 意为“玩

耍某物”。play用作及物动词,意为“打(球),弹(乐器)”,但球类运动前不加the,西方乐器前必须加the。如:The boys are playing football.

男孩们正在踢足球。Li Ming can play the piano.李明会弹钢琴。Don’t play with the fire.别玩火。

2)get together 动词词组,表示“聚会,聚集”。如:Let’s get together sometime. 有时间我们聚一下吧。

Let’s get together for lunch. 我们一起吃顿午餐吧。They get together once a year at Christmas time. 他们每年圣诞节时聚会一次。

5.New Year’s Day 新年,元旦

(1)用单数名词所有格来表示节日的有:Mother’s Day 母亲节;Father’s Day 父亲节

(2)用复数名词的所有格来表示节日的有:Children’s Day 儿童节;Teachers’ D ay 教师节;International

Workers’ Day 国际劳动节;Women’s Day 妇女节

6.My mum and I like to go shopping during the during the Spring Festival. 我和妈妈喜欢在春节期间购物。

①during the Spring Festival 表示“在春节期间”。during “在……期间”,用来表示“持续的一段时间”

如:What did you do during the summer holiday?暑假期间你做什么了?②go shopping “购物”类似的短语:go swimming去游泳, go fishing去钓鱼, go skating 去滑冰, go skiing 去滑雪, go mountain climbing 去爬山。



1. friends,like,I,to,with,play,my (连词成句) .

2. It's 9∶00 .(对划线部分提问) What is it?

3. My friends like to watch movies.(对画线部分提问) do your friends like ?

4. His aunt likes to go mountain climbing.(改为一般疑问句) his aunt mountain climbing?

5. Children's Day is on June 1.(对划线部分提问) Children's Day?

Ⅱ.阅读理解The Spring Festival

The Spring Festival is our Chinese people's festival.It usually comes in January or February.There are twelve different animal names and each stands for(代表) each Chinese year.The animal names include(包括) dragon(龙),snake(蛇),horse,sheep,monkey and so on(等等).This year is the year of mouse(鼠).Before the Spring Festival,people are busy shopping and doing some cleaning.On the Eve,there is a big family dinner.After dinner all the family stay up(迟睡) late to welcome the New Year.

On the first day of the New Year,people put on their new clothes and go to visit their relatives(亲戚) and
