新概念英语第2册 49-79课短语总结

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新概念英语第2册 49-79课短语总结

be tired of 厌倦于 save up攒钱 blow up风越刮越大 wake up 醒来

pick up捡起/学会 glance at 扫视/瞥见lose one’s way迷路 point out 指出

take…for…把…当作… taken for上当 take for a ride就当做是一次乘车兜风

take sb for a ride 欺骗 gon on an excursion 一次短途旅行 write out 写出

prefer to do sth宁可做某事prefer to do…rather than do…宁可做某事…也不愿做

give sb reward给...报偿 reward sb with sth用...奖赏... on the occasion偶尔

reward sb for sth因为...给某人奖赏 go on a diet /be on a diet节食 now that既然

put off 推迟/延期 put sb off 提醒某人下车 to make matters worse更糟糕的是

forbid sb to do sth禁止某人做某事 fail to do sth未能做成某事 complain of抱怨

allow sb to do允许某人做某事 enjoy doing喜欢做某事 ask to do sth 要求做某事

be strict with sb对某人严格 be strict in sth对某事严格 sign for签收in time及时

pay sb a visit/ pay a visit to sb拜访某人 call at拜访某地 as...as ever 像往常一样

first of all/at first首先/首要 in order :有秩序/有次序 get sth in order 使...有秩序

lead sb into(进门) show sb out(出门) see sb off(送行) find out 查明

at the moment=now现在 since then 从那以后 be sure that对...很有把握

help sb (to)do sth/help sb with sth 帮某人做某事 gazed at:对...向往,羡慕

cause sb to do sth导致某人做某事 solve the problem解决问题 put out 熄灭

quite a few颇有几个(相当多的) wind one's way:蜿蜒而行 speed up 加速

in this way 以这种方式 refuse to do so拒绝这么做 be able to do sth 能够做某事

as sticky as glue和胶水一样粘 dismay sb让某人感到失望 what a mess 真糟糕!

registered letter挂号信 be covered with盖满/充满着 pleased to do非常高兴的

at exactly that monent就在那时 pick up the receiver拿起话筒 ring back 回电话

hang up the receiver挂断电话 it takes sb some time to do sth花费某人多久做某事

nothing could have been cheaper没有什么东西更便宜了 join the army 参军

nothing could have been more exciting没有什么事情更令人激动join the party入党

no sooner...than...一…就… hardly...when...还未来得及做…就… in spite of尽管

persuade sb to do sth说服某人做某事 be armed with装备 the entrance to入口

be confident that对…自信 be confident of doing sth 自信做某事 ask for要求

dreams come true梦想成真 dreams ended梦想破灭dream of doing sth梦想


be used to do被用来做 used to do过去常常做 be/get used to doing sth 习惯于做

something of importance =something important重要的事情at the speed of 以...速度

to one's excitement令人激动的是 on the course按照轨道运行off course 偏离轨道

slow down减速 enter for报名参加 take part in 参加 take place 发生

have trouble/difficulty (in) doing sth干...有麻烦 break down车子抛锚set up搭建

a great deal of /a great number of/a great many/a large amount of/ quantities of大量

not less exciting更令人激动 no less exciting一样得激动be different from 和...不同

no more than you和你一样 not so...as /not as...as不如 make up one's mind 下决心

not less=more更加 not more= less更不 hesitate to do sth犹豫做某事

without hesitation毫不犹豫 look down upon(on)轻视be eager to do 急于做某事

let/make sb do sth让某人做某事 be made to do 让某人做某事in jeans穿着牛仔裤

with great difficulty/trouble 费了好大的劲 be dressed in穿着 in disguise伪装

a blessing in disguise因祸得福 a wolf in disguise披着羊皮的狼 lose weight 减肥

decide to do sth决定做某事 the following morning 第二天早上 now that 既然
