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来的时间状语连用。如:tomorrow (明天),next week (下周);in the future (将来)等。一般将来时由助动词shall (第一人称),will (第二、三人称)动词原形构成。美国英语则不管什么



肯定句:I / We shall / will go. You / He / She / They will go.

否定句:I / We shall / will not go. You / He / She / They will n ot go.

疑问句:Shall I / we go? Will you / he / she /t hey go?

简略回答:Yes,主语+ shall / will . / No,主语+ shall / will not .

特殊疑问句:一般将来时的特殊疑问句是将疑问词放在句首,后接一般疑问句(就主语提问时,以疑问词who 开头的疑问词除外)---Why will you be here on Sun day? ---1 will have a meet ing on Sun day.


1、will / shall + 动词原形



I will / shall go to visit him next week. 下周我将去拜访他。

What time shall we go there tomorrow? 明天我们几点去那儿?

2、be going to 动词原形

be going to 相当于一个助动词(其中be有人称和数的变化),与它后面的动词原形一起构成谓语。用来

表示近期将要发生的动作或存在的状态,以及计划、安排、打算要做的事。例如:There is goi ng to be a football match this afternoo n. 今天下午将有一场足球赛。



例如:I will (shall) arrive tomorrow. 我明天到。

Will you be free tonight? 你今晚有空吗?We won ' t (shan ' t) be busy this





例如:Will she come? 她(会)来吗?

We' ll only stay for two weeks. 我们只待两星期。

The meeting won ' t last long. 会开不了多久。

3 、在以第一人称I 或we 作主语的问句中,一般使用助动词shall ,这时或是征求对方的意见:

Where shall we meet? 我们在哪儿碰头?

4、be going to + 动词原形

1) 表示打算、准备做的事。

例如:We are going to put up a building here. 我们打算在这里盖一座楼。

How are you going to spend your holidays? 假期你准备怎样过?

2) 表示即将发生或肯定要发生的事。

例如:I think it is going to snow. 我看要下雪了。

There ' s going to be a lot of trouble about this. 这事肯定会有很多麻烦。

四、will+ 动词原形与am / is / are going to + 动词原形的用法虽然都表示将来发生动作或情况,


1 、will 表示不以人的意志为转移的客观的将来。Today is Saturday. Tomorrow will be Sunday.

今天是星期六。明天是(将) 是星期日。He will be thirty years old this time next year. 明年这个时候他就(将)三十岁。

2. be going to 主要用于一下两个方面:

1) 表示事先经过考虑、安排好打算、计划要做某事。Dad and I are going to watch an opera this

afternoon. 今天下午我和爸爸打算去看歌剧。

2) 表示根据目前某种迹象判断,某事非常有可能发生,表示推测。Look at the dark clouds. It is

going to rain. 瞧!乌云密集。天要下雨了。

五、there be 结构的一般将来时

肯定式:There will be; There is / are going to be 否定式:There won't be; There is / are not going to be 一般疑问式:Will there be...; Is / are there going to be... 特殊疑问式:特

殊疑问词+ 一般疑问式

There will be a basketball match this afternoon. = There is going to be a basketball match this afternoon. 今天下午会有一场篮球赛。

There won't be a basketball match this afternoon. = There isn't going to be a basketball match this afternoon. 今天下午没有篮球赛。

Will there be a basketball match this afternoon? = Is there going to be a basketball match this afternoon? 今天下午有篮球赛吗?

When will there be a basketball match? = When is there going to be a basketball match? 什么时候有一场篮球赛?


1 、用于"I expect, I'm sure, I think, I 宾语从句"中。
