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1. Till now, serious damage ____________________ (引起) by a powerful earthquake which swept across

Wenchuan in Sichuan Province on May 12, 2008. (cause)

2. After the meeting, Premier Wen Jiabao walked onto the platform, seated himself in a chair and ____________________ (准备回答问题). (prepare)

3. Thee new bridge ____________________ (设计出) by the end of 1ast month. (design)

4. Rainforests ____________________ (砍伐) at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the near future. (cut)

5. The woman ____________________ (受骗) by the businessman’s offer of marriage and stupidly gave him most of her money. (take)

6. When and where to go for the on-salary holiday ____________________ (还没决定) yet. (decide)

7. One year ago, we ____________________ (搬到乡下) to get a healthier life and environment to raise our two sons. (move)

8. He will have learned English for eight years by the time he ____________________ (大学毕业) next year. (graduate)

9. At this time tomorrow we ____________________ (飞过大西洋). (fly)

10. A new cinema ____________________ (在建) here and it is hoped to be finished next month. (build)

11. Nowadays, the government ____________________ (尽全力采取措施) to prevent the spread of the A/H1N1 flu. (try)

12. In my childhood, my grandma ____________________ (经常提醒)me to pay attention to my table manners. (remind)

13. You needn’t hurry her, ____________________ (她会完成) the work by the time you are ready. (finish)

14. Shirley ____________________ (在写一本书) last year but I don’t know whether she has finished it. (write)

15. Mr. Smith ____________________ (在这所学校工作) for twenty years when he holds a party next week. (work)

16. I’ve brought my tennis things along in case we ____________________ (有时间比一次赛) tomorrow. (have)

17. I don’t think Jim saw me; he ____________________ (凝视着) me sky. (stare)

18. The thief ____________________ (正巧被注意到) when he was stealing a wallet from a woman. (happen)

19. It was the third time that she ____________________ (得到通知) that she had to attend the meeting the next morning. (inform)

20. No sooner ____________________ (到实验室) than he set out to do the experiment. (get)

21. The crazy fans ____________________ (耐心地等待了) for two hours, and they would wait till the famous star arrived. (wait)

22. Now that she is out of job, Mary ____________________ (考虑着) going back to school, but she hasn’t decided yet. (consider)

23. He kept looking at her, wondering whether he ____________________ (在什么地方见过她). (see)

24. After a fire broke out in the lab, a lot of equipment ____________________ (都毁掉了). (damage)

25. We ____________________ (取得了巨大的成功) in the course of building up our country. (achieve)

26. They came to the conclusion that they ____________________ (犯了个严重的错误). (make)

27. Since the peace talk ____________________ (破裂), your suggestion can not make any sense. (break)
