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>0 System Error

0 Success

-1 Attempt to reconnect within 60 seconds or

socket_open has failed

-994 Incompatible PINET protocol version

-1001 Default host not found


'Use this function to establish a connection to the default pi home node server if calling from a pi client node.

Private Declare Function piut_connect Lib "piapi32.dll" (ByVal servername$) As Long

'This function logs the user into a PI Server. A login is required to gain access to protected PI data.

Private Declare Function piut_login Lib "piapi32.dll" (ByVal username$, ByVal password$, valid&) As Long

'This function parses the passed time string and returns the pi local time.

Private Declare Function pitm_parsetime Lib "piapi32.dll" (ByVal timestr$, ByVal reltime&, timedate&) As Long

'This function adds a new value to the Archive, or it replaces a value if one exists at the same time stamp.

Private Declare Function piar_putvalue Lib "piapi32.dll" (ByVal pt&, ByVal rval!, ByVal iStat&, ByVal timedate&, ByVal wait&) As Long

'This function returns the point number for the given tagname.

Private Declare Function pipt_findpoint Lib "piapi32.dll" (ByVal TagName$, pt&) As Long

'This function returns a single value and status for a specified time stamp.

Private Declare Function piar_value Lib "piapi32.dll" (ByVal pt&, timedate&, ByVal Mode&, rval!, iStat&) As Long

'This function sends a value to the Snapshot and Archive.

Private Declare Function pisn_putsnapshot Lib "piapi32.dll" (ByVal pt&, ByVal rval!, ByVal iStat&, ByVal timedate&) As Long

'This function retrieves the most recent value sent to the pi System for a particular point.

Private Declare Function pisn_getsnapshot Lib "piapi32.dll" (ByVal pt&, rval!, iStat&, timedate&) As Long



pilog = piut_connect(Text1.Text)


pilog = piut_login(Text2.Text, Text3.Text, valid)


3.1 查找PI位号PT号,PT号就是该位号在PI里面的point ID

pilog = pipt_findpoint(Text4.Text, pt)

3.2 获取PI时间

pilog = pitm_parsetime("*", 0, timedate)

3.3 读取该PI时间,该位号的值

pilog = pisn_getsnapshot(pt, flo, 0, timedate)

Text5.Text = flo ‘(flo变量就是PI的值)


4.1 查找PI位号PT号

pilog = pipt_findpoint(Text4.Text, pt)

4.2 获取PI时间

pilog = pitm_parsetime("*", 0, timedate)

4.3 写入该位号在该PI时间的值

pilog = pisn_putsnapshot(pt, flo, 0, timedate)

PI API提供一个公共的编程接口,用C/C++或VB、甚至连PI-PROCESSBOOK中内嵌的VBA 都可以对PI数据库进行数据读写。



二是借鉴OPC方式,接口程序只负责数据的读写,建点和属性配置工作放到PI服务器端由数据库管理员人工完成。这种方式下在配置PI的点及相关属性时,比OPC方式下的配置工作要简单得多:TAGNAME与INSTRUMENTTAG可取相同名,数据类型、量程、工程单位和死区范围等可按常识配置,其它属性都可用默认值。以下用VB为例说明PI API的大致用法。

