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1.—What ________ unusual journey we had!

—Well, life is always full of ________ unexpected.

A.an; an B.a; an C.a; the D.an; the 2.Try to make full use of your time, or you may ________ achieving nothing.

A.give up B.make up C.put up D.end up 3.Her perfect language skills will give her a (n) ________ over others when searching for a job.

A.goal B.suggestion C.advantage D.ability 4.Old people would rather ________ in the peaceful countryside while the young prefer

________ a modern city life to staying in the country.

A.to live;enjoying B.live;enjoying C.to live;to enjoy D.live;to enjoy 5.—Laura, did you study any other foreign language ________ Chinese when you were at a college?

—Yes, French. But I have forgotten all ________ some words.

A.besides; except B.besides; besides C.except; besides D.except; except 6.Human beings cut off shark fins to make money. It’s quite ________ of them to do so. A.powerful B.valuable C.cruel D.impolite

7.I plan to hold a party for my parents next month. It’s unbelievable that they ________ for nearly 30 years!

A.got married B.have married C.had married D.have been married

8.—The girl sitting next to you is often seen ________ dancing in the music room.

—She will perform at Art Festival tomorrow. It must be well worth ________.

A.to practice; watching B.practicing; watching

C.to practice; to watch D.practicing; to watch

9.—Why can’t you get used to the life in Beijing, Jack?

—________ the heavy traffic ________ the high living cost is the reason. I just can’t stand

the badly polluted air in the city.

A.Either; or B.Neither; nor C.Not only; but also D.Both; and 10.—Hi, Mary. I know your parents have gone to Chongqing. Could you please tell me


—I’m not sure. Maybe in three days’ time.

A.how soon will they get back B.how long will they stay there

C.how soon they will get back D.how long they will stay there



My father died when I was nine, and I remember doing chores to help my mother. I hated changing the vacuum cleaner (真空吸尘器) bag and picking up the things the machine ____11____ to take in.

Twenty years later, I was doing chores at home with my wife and I had to empty the bag because I could not find a new one. I had always hated the way the machine worked and I decided to make a vacuum cleaner without ____12____.

Easier said than done, of course. I didn’t ____13____ that I would spend the next five years perfecting my design, a process that resulted in 5, 127 different prototypes (设计原型). By the time I made my 15th prototype, my third child was born. By 2, 627, my wife and I were really short of money. By 3, 727, my wife was giving art lessons for some money. These were hard times, but each failure brought me closer to ____14____ the problem.

However, at first I ____15____ thought of going into a business with it. In the early 1980s, I started trying to get a license for my technology. The reality was very different, though. The big vacuum makers made most of the money from bags. No one would license my idea, not because it was a ____16____ one, but because it was bad for business.

The unfairness gave me the ____17____ to keep going, but soon after, the companies that I had talked with started making machines ____18____ mine. I had to fight to protect the patents (专利) on my invention. My invention didn’t go into production ____19____ a bank lent me 1 million pounds in 1993. Within two years, my invention—the Dyson vacuum cleaner—became a success in Britain.

Today, I still welcome risk and failure as part of the process. _____20_____ beats the
