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II.Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)(共20分)

1.Tom comes from _______ European country.

A)a B)the C)/ D)an

2.The Korean football players felt quite _______ after they won the game.

A)luck B)lucky C)luckily D)unlucky

3.---How tall is jack?

--- He is about ___________.

A)six feet long B) six foots long C)six foot tall D)six feet tall

4.My parents _________ about 10,000yuan for my school education each year.

A)spend B)cost C)pay D) take

5.Shanghai is one of _________in China.

A)the modern city B)the most modern cities C)modern cities D)the modern cities

6.Jane usually goes to see her grandfather__________ Saturday afternoon.

A)in B)at C)on D)from

7 George’s ambition is to go travelling with our friends during our holidays!

A)to become B)to becoming C)become D)will become

8.______ great fun it is to go to travelling with our friends during our holidays!

A)What a B)What C)What an D)How

9.Parents are responsible _____ their children’s safety.

A)at B)about C)to D)for

10.It’s already 11:30 p.m. It’s time ___________.

A)to go to bed B)for getting up C)to have breakfast D)for lunch

11.His father seldom read newspapers,________ he?

A)does B)did C)doesn’t he D)didn’t

12. ________ is it from your school to your home?-- About 10 minutes’ ride.

A)How long B)How soon C)How far D)How much

13.They look forward to__________ the Great Wall again next summer holiday.

A)visit B)visiting C)visits D)visited

14.Which of the following is right?

A)where are you from?(升调) B)May I open the window to let in some fresh air?(降调)

C)I’m afraid I can’t return the book before Friday.(升调)D)Excuse me, sir.(升调)

15.A:Why not join us in the game, Kitty? B:__________, but I have to do my homework first. A)Let’s go B)I’d like to C)Yes,please D)It’s a pleasure

plete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box.Each one can only be used once(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词或词组只能填一词)(共8分)

This summer holiday, I paid a ___1____ to Britain. During our first week in Britain, we stayed at Embassy Summer School in Bristol. We had classes and activities together with students __2____ all over the world. We had to communicate in English ____3___ we come from different countries. It provided me with a great ____4____improve (提高) my oral English skills. We also

London is a very beautiful city ___5______ a long history. On the first day in London, we were lucky ___6__ to have time for the London Eye and Westminster. I must say Westminster Abbey was definitely worth the 30-minute wait. I could easily ____7______ it as my favourite place in England. The church which has stood for centuries is now ____8____ holding weddings and funerals. It was a great experience which I will keep in my heart forever.

plete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给的单词的适当形式完成下列句子)(共8分)

1.Let’s introduce _______ first,shall we?(we)

2. The children quickly got______ with staying indoors.(bore)

3. Do you know the _______of the Oriental Pearl TV Tower?(high)

4.As you ______ know, I’m going to change my job soon.(probable)

5.Grandpa Wang usually goes to the supermarket _____ to buy daily necessaries.(near)

6. Miss Wei, our ________ teacher, has worked in our school for quite a few years.(physical)

V.Rewrite the following sentences as required (根据所给要求,改写下列句子。62-67题,每空格限填一词。)(共14分)

1. I was born in Newcastle in 1996.(对划线部分提问)

____________and __________were you born?

2.The new flat cost me a lot of money.(改为否定句)

The new flat_________ cost me_____________ money.

3. Susan danced beautifully at the party.(改为感叹句)

__________ ______________ Susan danced at the party.

4.The Asian Games are held once every four years.(对划线部分提问)

______ _________ are the Asian Games held?

5. He studies so hard that he always passes an exam.(保持原句意思)

He studies so hard that he __________ _________an exam.

6. John hopes that he will get a letter from his penfriend soon.(保持句意基本不变)

John hopes to __________ ____________ his penfriend.


Part 3 Reading and Writing(第三部分读写)

VI. Reading comprehension(阅读理解)

A.Choose the best answer (根据论坛内容,选择最恰当的答案): (共12 分)

Last week, we published(发表) an article about modern marriage(婚姻). A
