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Tale of Water Margin
wrriten by Shi Nai-an
• In the final years of the song dynasty, chin a was in a state of political and social conf usion. Besides,it.undergone frequent forei gn invasion and a large number of man ma de and natural disasters . In order to …
Journey to the West
Wu Cheng-en the noval based on traditional folktales.Consisting of 100 chapters.This fantasy relates the adventures of Tang Dynast priest Sanzang and his three disciples, Monkey,Pig and Friar ['fraiə] Sand, as they travel west in search of Buddhist Sutra(佛经)
Journey to the West
The first seven chapters recount the birth of the Monkey King and his rebellion against Heaven.Then in chapters eight to twelve we learn… The rest of the story describes how they defeat demons( 魔鬼) and monsters,tramp over the Fiery Mountain, cross the Milky Way;and after overcoming …
Fra Baidu bibliotek
The Romance of the Three Kindoms
Luo Guan zhong
"The empire, long divided, m ust unite; long united, must divide. Thus it has ever bee n." Echoing the rhythms of C hinese history itself, the mon umental tale Three Kingdom s begins. This fourteenth century masterpiece continu es to be loved and read thro ughout China today. Three Kingdoms describes …
The Four Traditional Classic Novels of China
Dream of the Red Chamber
written by Cao Xue-qing
The Dream of the Red Chamber is one of the "Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese Literature." It is renowned for its huge scope, large cast of characters and telling observations on the life and social structures of 18th century China and is considered by many to be the pinnacle of the classical Chinese novel.
Tale of Water Margin
In pursuit of universal truth and justice had been the never ending aspirations of human kind. Water ma rgin itself effectively u ses the power of litera ture to renew and refr esh the pursuit. The n ovel is…
The Romance of the Three Kindoms
Fearing attacks by three re bllious states, the emperor sent out an urgent appeal f or support. In response, thr ee young men the aristocratic Liu Xuande, the fugitive Lord Guan, and the pig butcher Zhang Fei met to swear … Some years later, Three generals- Liu Bei, Cao Cao, and Sun Jian establish their own states.Moreover they flight each other.
Dream of the Red Chamber
The "Red Chamber" is an expression used for the sheltered area where the daughters of wealthy Chinese families lived. Believed to be based on the author's own life and intended as a memorial to the women that he knew in his youth, The Dream of the Red Chamber is a multilayered story that offers up key insights into Chinese culture.