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A (2019●扬州邗江区一模)

During the year 1866,the world was shocked to hear stories of a sea monster (怪兽) attacking several ships that passed_ 1_ the oceans. The governments of many countries were quite interested in the_ 2_

The monster was _3_ to be much larger than a whale. Most agreed that The monster's shape was similar to that of a whale, _4_. Some declared the mysterious animal to be nearly two hundred feet long ;_ 5_ swore the monster was more than a mile long.

On the 20th of July 1866, a great ship was _6_ India for Australia when it was hit by the mysterious animal, and sunk into the ocean, only five miles_ 7_ the east coast of Australia. Just three days later,in the Pacific Ocean, the sea animal_ 8_ another ship.

Immediately after these _9_ events, people all over the world were talking about the sea animal. Newspapers_ _10_ had new stories related to(与....有关) the monster. Scientists,news reporters, and many others_11_many pages about their views on the newly discovered sea monster. For the whole six months, people talked of__ 12 but the mysterious animal.

During the first months of the year 1867 ,however, 13 in the sea monster seemed to drop a great deal. People were no longer 14 to read about the sea monster, until the 5th of March 1867,_ 15 another ship, Canadian, had been hit.

( )1. A. over B. across C. by D. past

( )2. A. activity B. accident C. disaster D. matter

( )3. A. said B. reported C. told D. seen

( )4. A. moreover B. anyway C. however D. otherwise

( )5. A. other B. the others C. another D. others

( )6. A. going B. leaving C. travelling D. sailing

( )7. A. away B. near C. off D. beside

( )8. A. met B. beat C. attacked D. crashed

( )9. A. interesting B. exciting C. frightening D. surprising

( )10. A. suddenly B. quickly C. excitedly D. continually

( )1. A. read B. reported C. wrote D. watched

( )12. A. nothing B. something C. everything D. anything

( )13. A. events . B. materials C. topic D. interest :

( )14. A. curious B. crazy . C. afraid D. amazed

( )15. A. after B. since C. when D. while

B (2019●盐城亭湖区模拟)

Tom shook his piggy bank again. There was nothing left! He carefully_ 1_the coins that lay on the bed. All he had was $ 24.52(about 175 yuan). The_2_he wanted was at least $90! How was he going to get the rest of the money? His friends all had bicycles. It was _3_ to hang out( 闲逛) with people when you were the only one without a bicycle. He thought about__ 4 he could do. There was no point asking his parents,for he knew they had no extra money.

The only way he could get more money was to earn it. He would have to find a _5_ . He decided to ask Mr Clay for advice.

“Well, you can_6_right here," said Mr Clay.“You see, my windows need cleaning and my car needs_7_”That was the _8_ of Tom's part- time job.

For the next three months,he_ 9_ every day after finishing his homework. He _10_dogs for walks, cleared out cupboards and mended books.

The day finally came when Tom counted his money again and found $ 94.32. He_11_no time and went down to the shop to pick up the bicycle he wanted. He rode home _12_,looking forward to showing his new bicycle to his friends.He had done a lot of hard work, _13_ Tom valued his bicycle far more than _ 14_else. He had achieved what he thought was impossible and that was worth even _15_the bicycle. What he had done would shape his
