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information desk 问讯处reception office 接待室hotel register 旅客登记簿registration form 登记表newsstand 售报处postal service 邮局厕所;抽水马桶

toilet pot; toilet bowl 马桶men's room 男盥洗室ladies' room 女盥洗室plunger 橡皮塞子toilet water tank cover 马桶水箱盖toilet board 马桶坐板toilet seat 马桶盖Vase 花瓶bathroom scales 浴室称bath mat 花洒浴室防滑垫running water 自来水transom, transom window 气窗curtain 窗帘drapes 挂帘balcony 阳台sash window 上下开关窗shutters 百叶窗Venetian blind 百叶窗帘shower curtain and rod 淋浴帘和架lace curtain 挑花窗帘windowsill 窗台rubbish bin 垃极桶waste-paper basket 废纸篓air-conditioned 有空调设备的radiator 暖气片central heating 暖气ashtray 烟灰碟smoking set 烟具match 火柴electric fan 电扇chandelier, pendant lamp 吊灯swag lamp; pendant light 吊灯socket; bulb holder 灯口fluorescent lamp 日光灯desk lamp 台灯bedside lamp 床头灯floor/standard lamp 落地灯wall lamp 壁灯lampshade/smokebell 灯罩bulb holder 灯头bulb 灯泡screw-type bulb 罗口灯泡bayonet-type bulb 卡口灯泡frosted bulb 磨砂灯泡opal bulb, opaque bulb 乳白灯泡switch 开关socket 插座electric humidifier 湿度调节器plug 插头night stand lamp 床头柜灯dresser lamp 梳妆灯ceiling lamp 天花板吊灯end table lamp 茶几灯fuse wire 保险丝refrigerator 电冰箱temperature adjuster 气温调节制panel 床头柜电钮板door-mat 门前的擦鞋棕垫mosquito incense 蚊香electric kettle 电热水壶ball pen 原珠笔wallcovering 墙纸TV remove control 电视摇控器remote control holder 摇控架Two-pin socket 两相插座Three-pin socket 三相插座transformer 变压器shower head 淋浴喷头rotary floor scrubber 洗地机wet vacuums 吸水机thermometer 听不清

operator 电话员house phone 内部电话special line 专线dial a number? 拨号码hold the line? 别挂电话can't put somebody through? 接不通

ordinary telegram 普通电话receiver 听筒telephone number 电话号码replace the phone? 挂上电话Line, please.? 请接外线The line is busy(engaged) ? 占线

call somebody up? 打电话给某人

IDD(international direct dialing) 国际直拔DDD(domestic direct dialing) 国内直拔operator/switch board/ (private branch exchange) 总机


Valentine’s day 情人节New year’s day 元旦Spring festival 春节The lantern festival 元宵节Easter 复活节Mid-noonday 中秋节

National day 国庆节Thanksgiving day 感恩节Christmas eve 平安夜Christmas 圣诞节Labour’s day 劳动节April fool’s day 愚人节水果

strawberry 草莓lotus roots 莲藕apple 苹果mango 芒果plum 梅子grapefruit 西柚guava 番石榴longan 龙眼pomelo 柚watermelon 西瓜honey-melon 蜜瓜date 枣子

papaya 木瓜cherry 樱桃pear 梨grape 葡萄peach 桃子

pineapple 菠萝banana 香蕉lyche 荔枝coconut 椰子部门

General Manager’s Office 总经理办公室director of executive office 行政办主任restaurant &kitchen coordinator 餐厅划菜员

(F/O) Front Office 前台Training D. 培训部(F/B) Food and Beverage D. 餐饮部(HSKP)Housekeeping 客房部Purchasing D. 采购部Recreation D. 康乐部(ENG) Engineering D. 工程部(SEC)Security D. 保安部Human Resources D. 人力资源部Public Relations D. 公关部Sales D. 销售部Shopping Arcade 商场Financial D. 财务部Staff Canteen 员工食堂Laundry Dep. 洗衣房general manager 总经理executive office 行政办executive secretary 行政办秘书mail clerk 收发员bell captain 行李主管chief operator 电话总机主管information clerk 问讯restaurant supervisor 餐厅主管hostess 餐厅应接员restaurant captain 餐厅开单员kitchen waiter 传菜员executive chef 行政总厨head chef 厨师长cook 炉灶厨师butcher 切配厨师
