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Acid rain 酸雨

A low-emission economy 低排放经济

a successor to the Kyoto Protocol 《京都议定书》的后续协议Accountability 问责制度

accumulation of radioactive waste 放射性废料积存

acid-rain 酸雨

Adaptation, mitigation, technology and financing 适应、减缓、技术及资金albedo= reflectivity 星体反照率

Alkalization 碱化

anthropogenic global warming 人为的全球变暖

anthropogenic greenhouse gases 人为温室气体

atmospheric monitoring system 大气监测系统

automotive carbon emissions汽车碳排放

Bali Roadmap 巴黎路线图

binding quantitative targets 有约束力的量化指标

biosphere 生物圈

borehole 地上凿洞

cadmium contamination 镉污染

carbon credits 碳信用额

Carbon emission trading pilots 碳排放交易权试点

carbon footprint 碳足迹,碳排放量

Carbon intensity 碳排放强度

Carbon neutrality 碳中和

carbon neutrality 碳中和

carbon offset 碳补偿

Carbon quota trading 碳配额交易

Carbon sequestration 碳吸收

Carbon sinks 碳汇

Carbon tax 碳税

Carbon taxes 排放税

carbon-abatement projects 碳减排项目哥本哈根气候变化峰会carbon-free energy 无碳能源

caron intensity 碳排放强度

CDMclean development mechanism清洁发展机制

chemical oxygen demand 化学需氧量

China’s intended nationally determined contribution 中国国家自主贡献climate forcing 气候作用力

climatic change 气候变化(气象学)

common but differentiated responsibilities共同但有区别的原则

Community of shared destiny for mankind人类命运共同体comprehensive legislation 综合立法

Contaminate 污染

continental drift 大陆漂移

COP[conference of parties] 缔约方

cost-effective way 低成本高效益

cryosphere 冰冻圈、低温层

cumulative carbon emissions 累积碳排放

dammed lake 堰塞湖

decibel 分贝

decontamination of urban refuse 城市垃圾无害化处理

Deforestation 毁林行为

Degradation 退化

degradation,desertification and alkalinization of grassland 退化、沙化、和碱化草地deliver on commitment and shoulder obligations 兑现承诺、承担义务Desertification 荒漠化

Deterioration 恶化

Economical transitional countries 经济转轨国家

Emission allowance 排放指标

Emission 排放

emissions per unit of GDP 单位GDP的排放量

Emissions trading 排放贸易

emissions-cutting requirements 减排要求

empty words on a page 一纸空文

energy conservation and emission reduction 节能减排

Enhanced actions on climate change 强化应对气候变化行动

ENSO El Nino Ocean Oscillation 厄尔尼诺南方涛动

environmental degradation 生态环境恶化

EPA(Environmental Protection Agency) 环保署(U.S.A.)

Epoch 新纪元,时期

equilibrium temperature 稳定温度【物】

equilibrium 均衡

exploit and transform nature in a destructive way 对自然进行破坏式的利用和改造Fahrenheit 华氏

Financing capabilities 融资能力

floral and faunal 动植物

forest carbon sink森林碳汇

Forest stock volume森林蓄积量

formula 方案

Fossil fuel 化石燃料

fossil fuel subsidies 化石燃料补贴

GGE(Greenhouse Gas Emission) 温室气体排放

glacier 冰河世纪

global accord 全球协议

Hack down 砍伐

heat capacity 热容

heat-trapping gases 吸热气体

Hiroshima atomic bomb 广岛原子弹

hollow victory 表面胜利

hybrid car 混合动力车

hydrosphere 水圈

ice cap 冰核

ice cap 冰盖、冰冠

ice core 六氟化硫

ice sheet 冰帽

inertia 惯性
