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Part one

What‟s your full name?

Do you live in apartment or house? Do you think you will live there for a long time?

Where is your hometown? Is there anything you can recommend about your hometown? Is there anything in your hometown needs to be improved?

Why did you choose your school? What‟s your major? Why did you choose it? What kind of subjects do you have?

What kind of job do you want to do in the future?How to get the job u want?

What kind of cloth do yu like to wear?

Do you often go to museum?why people like to go to museums?

Do you love animals?Which animal do you like? Do you think there are many people who like animals?

How do you usually relax yourself?

Among the places you have traveled to, which place you liked best? Which place you want to travel to?

What kind of weather do you like? Why? How does weather affect you? Do you pay attention to the weather forecast? Do you like the city with different seasons or one with one season?

Do you think it's better to have a good neighbor? Have you ever asked for help from neighbor? How do you know about the neighbor live next your door? how do you think the most of problems between neighbors and you?do you prefer to have an old person to be your neighbor or a young person?

What is your favourite color and why? Do you have many clothes in that color?what kind of color do you want your future house to be?

Do you like sport?家周围有运动设施没?你多长时间做一次运动?你认为让小孩子做运动有必要吗?男生女生是不是喜欢一样的sport?

newspaper & tv news which one do you prefer and why?do you use internet to konw the news and compare it with tv,what is the difference?

How was your last holiday?how to spend your holiday usually?would you prefer have you holiday alone or with others?

上次dance是什么时候?do you like dancing?why people like dancing?


What kinds of films do you like to watch? 电影是在家看还是在电影院看,为什么?What kinds of films do you dislike? What kinds of films did you like when you were a child, why?

What kind of music do you like to listen to?What kind of environment do you like? How is the air condition in your hometown?

How many languages can you speak? Do you think learning English is hard? Why? Do you want to learn another language?

Do you often look at your watch? why?Why not? Do you think time moves slowly? What do you feel when you are late for something? What is your favorite time of a day?

What kind of books do you like to read in your childhood? Why you think children should learn reading in their childhood?

What is your favorite sound from nature and why? The noise you hate the most?

Do you now how to cook? Who does cooking in your family? Did you learn cooking when you were young?
