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1.(题文)--Look! Mum, this pair of gloves worn out. I need a new pair. –OK!

A.is B.are C.be D.were



试题分析: 句意:---看,妈妈,这双手套坏了。我需要一双新的。---好的。此题是this pair of做主语,应用单三,故选A。


2.There a basketball game between Class 8 and Class 12 tomorrow afternoon.

A.is B.has C.will be D.will have




句意:明天下午在8班和12班之间将有一场篮球比赛。A. is是,单数;B. has有,第三人称单数;C. will be将是;D. will have将有。这里是there be句型,不能出现have/has,排除BD;根据时间状语tomorrow afternoon.可知用一般将来时,其结构是there will be+主语+介词短语。根据题意,故选C。

3.There _________ a great concert in the theater next Saturday evening.

A.is B.will have

C.is going to be D.was



句意“下个星期六晚上在剧院有一场大型的音乐会”。there be表示“有”,且不和have连用,根据next Saturday evening可知,用一般将来时,故选C。

4.It is reported that half of the China’s population __________ working in cities in 2015 to make money.

A.Are B.is C.was D.were




句意:据报道,2015年中国有一半的人口在城市上班挣钱。考查主谓一致及时态。population常与定冠词the连用。作主语用时,谓语动词常用第三人称单数形式。当主语是表示人口百分之几时,谓语用复数。再由in 2015可知应用一般过去时。故选D。

5.The rest of students in the classroom ______my classmates.

A.is B.are C.be D.am



试题分析:句意:教室内的其他学生是我的同学们。本句主语The rest of students为复数形式,故系动词用复数形式are,选B。



6.The number of the volunteers in our city 2 ,000. And sixty percent of them teachers and students.

A.is; is B.is; are C.are; is D.are; are



句意:在我们城市志愿者的数量为2000.他们中的百分之六十是教师和学生。根据句意,结合语法知识the number of,……的数目,做主语时谓语动词使用单数形式,而percent做主语时,谓语动词的单复数需要依据of后面的单词。故答案为B.

7.There __________ still some apple juice in the fridge. It’s not necessary for us to go to the supermarket now.

A.was B.were C.is D.are



试题分析:句意:冰箱里还有一些苹果汁。我们现在没有必要去超市。表示某处有某物常用There be 句型。本句主语some apple juice属不可数名词,结合语境,所以选C。


8.______________ something wrong with my bike. Can I use yours?

A.It is B.It was C.There is D.There was





考查there be句型的用法。句型There is something wrong with sb/sth.意思是某人或某物有问题。根据下文“Can I use yours?”一般现在时,可知此句使用一般现在时,故排除D(一般过去时),用there is(一般现在时)。选C。

9.-There______many trees at the foot of the mountain.

--But now they are slowly disappearing because of human activities.

A.is used to

B.used to

C.used to be



试题分析:句意:――过去山脚下有许多树。――但是现在因为人类的活动,它们正慢慢地消失。used to +动词原形,表示过去常常;be used to doing sth表示习惯于做某事;be used to do sth 表示被用于做某事。根据句意,本题表示过去常常用,用used to+动词原形。前句是there be结构,主要动词是be。故选C。


10.Andy, with his parents, Hong Kong, and some shopping by them.

A.have gone to; will do B.has gone to; will be done

C.have been to ; will do D.has been to; do


【解析】句意:安迪和他的父母去了香港,他们将买一些东西。Andy是句子的主语,with his parents作状语,根据主谓一致的原则,首先排除A,C;have/has gone to表示某人去了某地,现在还没有回来,have/has been to表示某人去过某地,现已回来。根据by them判断,第二个句子是被动语态的句子,故答案为B。

11.-Lucy, there _________too many things on the desk. What a mess!

-Sorry, Mum. I'll put them away.

A.have B.is C.are




句意:——露西,在桌子上有许多东西。真乱!——对不起,妈妈,我将把他们收起来。A. have有;B. is是;单数;C. are是,复数。这里是there be句型,主语是too many things


12.---I saw Tom's father bought lots of books yesterday.

---That's not strange. Not only Tom but also his father _______reading.

A.enjoy B.enjoys C.enjoyed



