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3. Urban natural disaster regionalization of China
4. Natural disaster relief regionalization of China
Project Thoughts
Final Aim: Establish the national regionalization system for natural disaster aids China (rural, urban) natural disaster regionalization map Regionalization map of China natural disaster relief
Quantitative and Tupu interaction principle Dynamic, manipulation and practicability principle
1.3 The whole structure of the database
Attribute data The database of China natural disaster and relief
China administrative region
1. Regionalization theories and database
1.1 Regionalization theories
Disaster systems theory
Theory of territorial differentiation
Natural disaster region
Natural disaster district Natural disaster zone Basic units of natural disaster regionalization Type of natural disasters
2.4 Comprehensive regionalization of agricultural natural disaster in China
2.2 Method and approach of regionalization
Regional differentia rule of hazard-formative environment Principle Regional differentia rule of hazard-affected bodies and hazard-affected factors Regional differentia rule of hazard effects Regional differentia rule of hazard-affected bodies and hazard-affected factors
Comprehensive urbanization index
3.3 Disaster intensity sub-area of major cities
Classification Hazard region
Process Scale
Whole country Province or region Town or village
hazard-formative environment
hazardaffected bodies
hazardformative factors ① Split
Theory 1 Disaster system theory The database of China natural disaster and aids
Theory 2 Regional. theory GIS technique
Theory 3 Geographic information map theory The database of social and economic eigenvalue of China
Natural disaster district division (un-demarcation)
Disaster large region division (un-demarcation)
2.3 Classification system of regionalization
disaster regionalization of China
2.1 Regionalizaiton system indexes
Hazard –formative environment Topography,relief, vegetation, soil,hydrography and climate Stability of Hazard –formative environment Hazard –formative Factors
1.2 The principles of regionalization Comprehension and main factor principle Territorial conjugation principle
Integrality of county administrative boundaries principle
Classification First level Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level
System of natural regionalization System of natural disaster regionalization Natural region Natural district Natural zone Landscape type Land type
Space data
Feature code
China administrative region maps
China urban social economic database
Database construction (systematic database)
Regionalization result ——systematic database
Administrative Division borderline ① Spatial matching
Natural disaster effects database
① Spatial overlapping
Natural disaster system complex map
③Fragment collection
Natural disaster ―bottom-up‖ and ―up-bottom‖ systems
Divide up-bottom
Hazard district Hazard zone
Combine bottom-up
Basic unit of regionalization Basic unit of disaster
Urbanization map
Natural disaster map
Synthetic level
Synthetic intensity
Urban natural disaster regionalization map
3.2 Regionalization assessment of comprehensive urbanization level
Zonality: latitude direction, ocean and land, altitude Non-zonality: geology, landform
Geographic information map theory Map+ chart: express the relation change
China natural disaster formative factors database China natural newspaper database disaster
China natural disaster reduction information database China natural disaster effects database China social database and economic and
Hazard-affected Bodies
Intensity,frequency, Population,land use,capital density, effected arrange and recur period preventing and defending disaster level
South China Sea Islands
3 Natural disaster regionalization of China ——Urban natural disaster regionalization China
3.1 Regionalization method and technique flow
Risk of Hazard –formative Factors Vulnerability of Hazard-affected Bodies
Natural disaster effects Effected population, disastrous Population,death population,area affected, disastrous area,affected area of crop growth,collapsed buildings
Section 2 The Natural Disaster Relief Regionalization of China
1. Regionalization theories and database 2. Agricultural disaster regionalization of China
Basic units of natural disaster regionalization
⑦ Combine
⑥ Calculate
Division strategy of disaster zones
Divide from top to botto m ⑩Divide
Collect Name ⑨Divide
Disa百度文库ter relief
Regionalization index——derivate database
Feature chart of disaster relief region
Foundation——original database
2. Natural disaster regionalization of China
Authority disaster effects data
Natural disaster type map
Combine from bottom to top ⑤Combine
Adjacency index and distance index of disaster type map Adjacency index and distance index of basic units comprehensive regionalization plan of regional natural disaster Middle scale macroscopically differentiated law of natural disaster Large scale macroscopically differentiated law of natural disaster