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托福听力学习笔记之TPO3:lecture1 下面就让小编来为大家介绍一下这篇托福听力TPO3学习笔记的内容吧,这是小编的一些见解,以便帮助大家更加充分的理解TPO真题,希望能够给正在准备托福听力的考友们带来帮助。


migrate vi. 移动;随季节而移居;移往

humming 唱v. 嗡嗡作响(hum的ing形式)

onrecord 有纪录的

nectar 花蜜


Now you know a humming bird is amazingly small, but even though it’sreally tiny, it migrates over very long distances, travels up and down thewestern hemisphere –the Americas, back and forth between where it breeds inthe summer and the warmer climates where it spends the winter.大家都知道蜂鸟体形超小,但尽管它很小,它迁徙时得飞到很远的地方,南北横跨西半球——美国,在夏季的繁殖地和气候暖和一点的地方来回,它们到暖和一点的地方过冬。


hemisphere n. 半球

breeds n. [生物] 品种;族类(breed的复数形式)


even though 引导的让步状语从句,where引导的定语从句


6. Now, we’ve been talking about the loss of animal habitat from housing developments, uh …, growing cities –small habitat losses. But today I wanna begin talking about what happens when habitat is reduced across a large area. So what’s the impact of habitat loss on those animals –animals that need large areas of habitat?听力十三原则中的课堂回顾式,而且出现了but,but后面的内容通常是考点,所以答案选C

7. But the problem, well, as natural habitat along these migration routes is developed by humans for housing or agriculture or cleared for raising cattle, for instance, there is less food available for migrating humming birds.听力十三原则中的转折原则,but后面的内容是重点,所以答案选B

8. So help them survive, we need to preserve their habitats. And one of the concrete ways people have been doing this is by cleaning up polluted habitat areas and then replanting flowers, um, replanting native flowers that humming birds feed on.因果原则,关注SO后面的内容,常是考点,答案是C.

9. oh, and there is a phone number on the band for people to call for free, to report a banded bird to be found or recaptured. So when a banded bird is recaptured and reported, we learn …强调原则,根据这段可知答案选B.

10. Another interesting thing we learned is that some humming birds no longer use a certain route. They travel by a different route to reach their destination.结尾原则,从最后一句可知答案选C.

11. It gose without saying体现出professor充分相信她接下来要讲的内容对于学生来说是十分明确的。那么显然她不是要纠正或否定之前的idea,也并不是说明她不打算说细节,她在接下来的称述中就讨论了细节听力文本:Well, it does. It drinks a lot of nectar from flowers and feeds on some insects, but it’s energy-efficient too. You can’t say it isn’t. I mean, asit flies all the way across the Gulf of Mexico, it uses up almost none of its body fat.所以答案选D.



