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1. What did Alice prefer to work as?

A. A secretary.

B. A teacher.

C. A painter.

2. Where is the woman going to spend her Christmas?

A. In her mother’s.

B. In her sister’s.

C. In her friend’s.

3. Why didn’t the man see a doctor earlier?

A. He had to wait for an appointment.

B. He thought it would be all right soon.

C. He could put his weight on it then.

4. What is the woman’s team doing?

A. Collecting information about the game.

B. Making preparations for the trip.

C. Training hard for the game.

5. What does the woman mean?

A. She will buy the ticket for the man.

B. She will sell the ticket to the man.

C. She feels lucky to have got a ticket.

第二节(共15题; 每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)



6. What did the speakers decide to do?

A. Go to a concert.

B. Go to a football match.

C. Go to see a film.

7. When will the speakers meet?

A. At 7:00.

B. At 7:30.

C. At 8:00.


8. What was the man doing when the accident happened?

A. Listening to the radio.

B. Swimming in the water .

C. Sleeping in the sand.

9. What happened to the little boy?

A. He hurt his arms.

B. He couldn’t find his parents.

C. He fell into the water.


10. What is the man most likely to do?

A. To introduce a car to his friend.

B. To sell his second-hand car to a woman.

C. To persuade the woman to try his car.

11. Where is the woman’s working place?

A. On Broad Road.

B. In the city center.

C. Near a hospital.

12. Which one is true according to the dialogue?

A. The woman will buy the car.

B. The car the woman used before was very slow.

C. The man has the car for two years.


13. What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

A. Mother and son.

B. Clerk and passenger.

C. Father and daughter.

14. What will the woman do when she is at the airport?

A. Show her ticket and passport first.

B. Weigh her luggage first.

C. Find her airline desk first.

15. Where should the woman show her ticket and passport?

A. At the check-in desk.

B. At the entrance.

C. At the plane gate.

16. When should the woman pay the departure tax?

A. When she checks in.

B. When she boards the plane.

C. When she buys the ticket.
