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1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上,并将条形码准确粘贴在条形码区域内。

2. 答题时,考生务必按照考试要求在答题卡上的指定区域内作答,在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。


I. 在下列各句的空白处填入一个适当的词,使句子意思完整,语法正确。(5分)

1.My little sister is 7 years old. She's old to go to school.

2. It is not to speak loudly in public.

3.Jack was in painting when he was young and he could paint very well.

4.Helen won the first prize in the English speech competition. Her parents were of her.

5.Bob does homework so carefully that he makes many mistakes like others.

II. 用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。(5分)

6. All the students (rush) out of the classroom after the bell rang.

7.Alice is (sleep) now because she didn't rest well last night.

8.Tell us (exact) where he lives.

9.Tea plants are (grow) on the sides of mountains in China.

10.The man keeps the problem to (him).

III. 单项选择。(15分)


( )11.To find the result. He has to go up to second floor second time.

A. the; a

B. the; the

C. a; the

D. a ; a

( )12. When they went into the park, they saw someone Chinese Kung fu.

A. plays

B. played

C. to play

D. playing

( )13.The restaurant is known its good service.

A. as

B. for

C. of

D. to

( )14. --- Paul has finished his homework, hasn't he?

---Yes. He it two hours ago.

A. finished

B. finishes

C. has finishes

D. will finish

( )15. The government provides homeless people nice houses.

A. with

B. for

C. to

D. of

( )16. ---The photo makes me think of trip to Shanghai last year.

--- Yeah, we had great time there.

A. a; /

B. an; the

C. the ; a

D. the ; the

( )17. In India, about of people in cities now.

A. three fifths; lives

B. third fifth; lives

C. third fifths; live

D. three fifths; live

( )18. It's necessary for her exercise every day.

A. taking

B. to take

C. take

D. takes

( )19. What can we do the environment?

A. protecting

B. protected

C. to protect

D. protects

( )20. This is the most beautiful park she has visited.

A. ever

B. yet

C. never

D. been

( )21. Don't give up, we will never succeed.

A. and

B. but

C. or

D. though

( )22. —David has made great progress recently.

—, and .

A. So he has; so you have

B. So he has; so have you

C. So has he; so have you

D. So has he; so you have

( )23. Could you tell me how long the tennis club?

A. you have joined

B. have you joined

C. you have been in

D. have you been in

( )24. ______ They're sisters, they don't look the same.

A. If

B. When

C. but

D. Though

( )25. —Where are Mary and Lucy?

—They England, They there for five days.

A. have been to; have been in

B. have gone to; have been in

C. have gone to; have been

D. have been to; have been


IV. 根据对话内容,运用方框中所给的句子选项补全对话。选项中有一项是多余的。(5分)Helen: David, you look tired. 26

David: I stayed up late last night. I only slept for about five hours.

Helen: What? 27

David: An old friend came over and we had a talk until late last night.

Helen: Why didn’t you stay in bed a little longer this morning?

David: 28

Helen: But I’ve read a report. It says that if you don’t get enough sleep after you study, you may forget 30% of what you’ve learned.

David: Forget 30%? 29

Helen: Yes. I’ve also read that eating right can help you study.

David: Really? 30

Helen: Don't you think so? And some foods can help you stay well. I think the best foods are fish, eggs, milk and so on.

