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浜屻€丼ection A(鎬婚鏁帮細5锛屽垎鏁帮細50.00)

Format 1

Passages 1

To hear most recent research tell it, coffee is a miracle drink. The magic beans will ward off skin cancer and Alzheimer’s(鑰佸勾鐥村憜鐥?, reduce heart failure and diabetes锛堢硸灏跨梾锛?risks, heighten focus, and maybe even protect liver health. Oh, and decrease suicide risk, according to the newest study that validates our coffee addictions.

According to a study performed by the Harvard School of Public Health and published this month in The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, people who drink two to four cups of java each day are less likely to commit suicide than those who don’t drink coffee, drink decaf, or drink fewer than two cups each day. The study followed over 200,000 people for at least 16 years. And it’s not just a weak link: the researchers found that t he suicide risk was cut by around 50 percent for coffee addicts.

This isn’t the first time that researchers have discovered that coffee and smiles might go hand-in-hand. A 2011 study found that women who drink coffee cut their risk of depression by 15 perc ent compared to those who don’t. Michel Lucas, the head researcher of the most recent study, told The Huffington Post that coffee addicts can thank caffeine for the good news. The drug may actually act like a mild anti-depressant by tweaking levels of happy hormones .

Of course, there’s plenty of research out there that doesn’t look so kindly upon coffee drinkers. Recently, the New Yorker published an article arguing that while coffee may heighten focus, that means it also puts a squeeze on creativity. And of course, coffee’s well-known negative effects like insomnia(澶辩湢鐥? and disturbed sleep cycles still hold.

Regardless, we’ll raise our mugs to this most recent study for justifying our coffee addictions once again.锛堝垎鏁帮細10锛?/p>

(1).Which of the following is not mentioned as a possible benefit of drinking coffee ?锛堝垎鏁帮細2锛?/p>

A.reducing heart failure risks

B.protecting liver health

C.preventing skin cancer

D.improving eyesight 鈭?/span>

瑙f瀽锛?p>鏍规嵁鏂囩珷绗竴娈靛枬鍜栧暋鍙互 prevent skin cancer, reduce heart failure, liver health, 鎵€浠ョ瓟妗堥€?D: Improving eyesight銆傛彁楂樿鍔涗笉鏄枬鍜栧暋鐨勫ソ澶


(2).According to a study performed by the Harvard School of Public Health , people are less likely to commit suicide if they________.锛堝垎鏁帮細2锛?/p>

A.drink fewer than two cups of coffee each day

B.drink more than four cups of coffee each day

C.drink two to four cups of coffee each day 鈭?/span>

D.don ' t drink any coffee each day

瑙f瀽锛?p>鏍规嵁绗簩娈电浜岃 people who drink two or four cups of coffee each day are less likel to commit suicide 鎵€浠ラ€?C:drink two to four cups of coffee each day銆?/p>

(3).The reason why coffee can cut the suicide risk lies in that _________.锛堝垎鏁帮細2


A.it can heighten focus

B.it can cure skin cancer

C.it may help to prevent depression 鈭?/span>

D.it may make people less creative

瑙f瀽锛?p>鏍规嵁绗笁娈靛€掓暟绗簩琛?the drug may actually act like a mild anti- depressant by adjusting levels of happy hormones 鍙煡,绛旀閫?C: it may help to prevent depression銆?/p>

(4).One of the negative effects of coffee is that it__________.锛堝垎鏁帮細2锛?/p>

A.costs a lot of money

B.disturbs sleep 鈭?/span>

C.makes people fat

D.causes coffee addictions

瑙f瀽锛?p>鏍规嵁鍊掓暟绗簩娈靛€掓暟绗簩琛?and of course, coffee ' s well known negative effects like Insomnia and disturbed sleep cycles still hold 鍠濆挅鍟$殑璐熼潰鏁堟灉鍖呮嫭澶辩湢鍜屾墦涔辩潯鐪犺寰?鎵€ 浠ラ€?B: disturb sleep銆?/p>

(5).What might be the writer ' s attitude toward coffee drinking ?锛堝垎鏁帮細2锛?/p>

A.Positive 鈭?/span>




瑙f瀽锛?p>鏁寸瘒澶ч儴鍒嗛兘鍦ㄨ鍠濆挅鍟$殑濂藉,鍙湁鏈€鍚庢彁浜嗕笅鍠濆挅鍟$殑缂虹偣,浣嗘暣浣撶殑鎬佸害鏄偗瀹氱殑銆傞€?A: positive銆?/p>

Passages 2

Polar bears are classified as marine mammals(鍝轰钩鍔ㄧ墿), like a seal or a whale, which might come as a surprise given that they're usually pictured on land.But polar bears spend a
