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A long time ago, and far away there lived a King and a Queen. They were very happy, except for one thing -- they both longed for a child.

The Queen sat sewing by her window one winters day when she suddenly pricked her finger. A drop of blood fell on the snow by the window.

"Oh, I wish I had a daughter with skin as white as snow, hair as black as ebony and red, red lips," she sighed.

Happily the Queens wish came true. In the autumn that year a baby girl was born. Sadly, the Queen died soon after.

The little Princess was called Snow White and she grew to be a lovely girl.

After many years the King married again. His new wife was beautiful and proud. She liked to use magic and had a magic mirror. She would say:

"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?"

And the mirror would answer:

"You, Queen, are the fairest in the land."

The Queen was very proud.

One day the Queen spoke to the mirror as usual, but this time the answer was different.

"You, Queen, are fair, but the fairest of all is Snow White."

The Queen was very angry to hear this. She plotted and schemed and decided to kill Snow White.

"Huntsman," she said, one day. " I want you to take Snow White into the forest and kill her. Bring back her heart to prove she is dead."

"Your Majesty," said the huntsman, bowing. He was horrified. He didnt want to kill the Princess.

"Come," he said to Snow White. "We are going into the forest." He took Snow White deeper and deeper into the forest, then he spoke to her.

"Beware of you stepmother," he said. "She wants you killed. Those were my orders. But I cant kill you. Go deeper into the forest and one day

you will be able to return. But be careful. She may find out that youre alive."

The huntsman then killed a small deer and took its heart back to the queen. The Queen was very happy. She was now the fairest in the land.

Meanwhile, Snow White ran deeper and deeper into the forest. Finally, when it was growing dark she came to a small cottage.

She knocked but there was no answer.

"I wonder who lives here," she said. She pushed the door open.

What a sight met her eyes! The little house was very untidy, plates and cups were waiting to be washed up and the table was still laid for breakfast.

"What a mess," said Snow White, and she bustled around and cleaned the house from top to bottom. She was very surprised to find that there was seven of everything: seven cups, seven plates, seven knives, seven forks and seven beds and chairs.

Then Snow White had some bread and cheese. She was very tired, so she went upstairs to the newly cleaned bedroom, and fell asleep on one of the beds.

Later on, when the owners of the cottage returned, they couldnt believe their eyes! Their little home was spotless.

"Who can have done this?" they asked.

They looked around. Dinner was cooking in the oven and the table was laid.

"Its a girl," called one, from the top of the stairs. "Shes asleep in our room."

Snow White woke up to find seven little men standing by the bed. They were seven dwarfs and they worked in a mine in the nearby hills.

"Dont be scared," they told her. "How did you find this place? Were a long way into the forest."

Snow White told her story. The dwarfs were horrified.

"You must stay here," they said. "Youll be safe here."
