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Unit 1


Lan guage focus

Word in use


2. pursuit

3. in hibit

4. maintain

5. patriotic

6. tran see nd

7. en deavor

8. dedicati on

9. prestige 10. nomin ate

Word build ing


2. tolerant

3. pollutants

4. inhabited

5. partieipa nts

6. desee ndants

7. atte ndants

8. respectful

9. con testa nts 10. n eglectful 11. resourceful

12. boastful

Ban ked cloze

2. premier

3. en deavor

4. bypass

5. han dicaps

6. committed

7. attained

8. transcend

9. feats 10. slightest

Expressi ons in use


1. removed from

2. failed in

3. in pursuit of

4. deviated from

5. precluded from

6. triumph over

7. work their way into

8. written off


Un dersta nding the text



Lan guage focus

Word in use


2. propelled 5. alleviated

8. dest ined 10. Applause

Expressi on in use

1. up

sentence structure

1. He prefers to start early rather than leave everything to the last min


2. She prefers to be the boss, to be in charge and to orga nize others

rather tha n be orga ni zed by some whom she may not eve n rate very highly.

3. My brother prefers to take the whole blame himself rather than allow it

to fall on the innocent.


1. Try as he would

2. Search as they would

3. Hard as we work

Try as we might

Collocati on


1. repeated


1. sudde n opport un ities

determ in ati on

4. profo und difficulties poverty-stricke n 2. immense obstacles 3.

5. overwhel ming failures




7. substa ntial hardship 8. repeated misfort unes 9. sheer persiste nee

10. dazzle audie nces 11. achieve fame 12. strong will

Unit 2 Language focus

Word in use


8. symptoms 9. dismay 10. brink

Word build ing


domin ate dominance avoid avoida nee rely relia nee

acqua int acqua intance clear cleara nee annoy annoyance admit admitta nee

resemble resembla nee assure assura nee bore bored privilege privileged

distract distracted


3. assura nee

4. dominance

6. acqua intance

7. relia nee

8. cleara nee

9. distracted 10. annoyance 11. admitta nee 12. resembla nee Ban ked cloze

1. characterized

2. aspects

3. amount

4. recede

5. exposed

6. vicious

7. challe nge

8. excessive

9. react ion 10. paralyze
