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1. During the valve overlap period, "the exhaust pressure of a turbocharged, four-stroke/cycle diesel engine must be less than

the intake manifold pressure to ensure ______.

A. cooler operation of the exhaust system

B. constant pressure from the turbochargers

C. effective cylinder scavenging and cooling

D. effective constant pressure for turbocharger operation

2. The additional mark _______in the Classification Certificate for Machinery means propulsion apparatus is remotely

controlled on the navigating bridge control station, and engine assembly control station is unmanned periodically.

A. AUT-1




3. Before replacing a piston you should check the rings to see that all clearances and gaps are within permissible______.

A. discrepancy

B. error

C. deflection

D. tolerance

4. ISM code has applied to the ships as follows except______.

A. High-speed craft of 500 gross tons or more

B. Passenger ships

C. Bulk freight vessels of 500 gross tons or more

D. Warship of 500 gross tons or more

5. In a two-stage flash-type evaporator, excess brine in the first stage automatically passes ______.

A. directly to the second stage feed heater

B. directly overboard through the brine cooler

C. into the second stage flash chamber

D. into the second stage vapor condenser

6. Motors and generators, both d. c. and a. c., are rated as CMR machines. CMR stands for______.

A. Continuous Maximum Rated

B. Centralized Monitoring Room

C. Continuous Monitoring Room

D. Centralized Maximum Rated

7. When centrifuging heavy fuel oil, an important factor to consider is (are) the ______.①flow rate ②viscosity of the fuel oil


B. Neither ①nor ②are correct



8. New adopted regulation of SOLAS says the master shall_____ when maintaining the security of the ship.

A. Exercise his professional judgment

B. exercise his professional judgment but be constrained by the company

C. take actions by the ship owner' s order

D. take actions by the company' s order

9. An operational amplifier, as used in today's consoles, has a calculated gain of 5. This means that when the input changes_____.

A. 10 volts, the output changes 2 volts

B. 2 volts, the output changes 10 volts

C. 10 volts, the output changes 5 volts

D. 5 volts, the output changes 10 volt s 【关联题】SOLAS, Chapter IX, and the ISM Code applies to ships, regardless of the date of construction, as follows: Passenger ships, including passenger high-speed craft, not later than 1 July 1998; Oil tankers, chemical tankers, gas carriers,

bulk carriers and cargo high-speed craft of 500 gross tons or more, not later than 1 July 1998; Other cargo ships and mobile offshore drilling units (MODUs) of 500 gross tons or more, not later than 1 July 2002.

The Code’s origins can be traced back to the late 1980s, when concern was growing about poor management standards in the shipping industry. In 1989, IMO adopted Guidelines on management for the safe operation of ships and for pollution prevention

"to provide those responsible for the operation of ships with a framework for the proper development, implementation and assessment of safety and pollution prevention management in accordance with good practice.”

These guidelines were revised in November 1991 and the ISM Code itself was adopted as a recommendation in 1993. However,

after several years of practical experience, it was felt that the Code was so important that it should be mandatory.

It was decided that the best way of achieving this would be through the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea,

1974 (SOLAS). This was done by means of amendments adopted on 24 May 1994, which added a new Chapter IX to the Convention entitled Management for the safe operation of ships. The Code itself is not actually included in the Convention, but

is made mandatory by means of a reference in Chapter IX.

10. (4) Which of the following is TRUE?

A. A new Chapter IX to the SOLAS Convention is entitled "International Safety Management".

B. The ISM Code itself is actually included in the SOLAS Convention.

C. The ISM Code is made mandatory by a reference in Chapter 9 of the SOLAS Convention.

D. This passage is mainly on the contents of the ISM Code.

11. (3) According to the passage, a LNG carrier built in 1996 should comply the ISM Code_____.

A. not later than 1 July 2004

B. not later than 1 July 1996

C. not later than 1 July 1998

D. not later than 1 July 2002

12. (2)The ISM Code became to be mandatory______.

A. in 1974

B. in 1993

C. through the SOLAS

D. in 1991

