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2. The boy was happy that his parents took him to the park, _______, they stayed there for only one hour. A. although B. since C. unless
让步状语从句常用though或although来 引导,表示“虽然;尽管”的意思。让步状 语从句可放在主句之前,也可放在主句之后。 如:
Although Mike is quite rich, he is very sick.虽然迈克很有钱,可是却病魔缠身。
Lucy enjoys life though she’s not rich. 露西生活得很快乐,尽管她并不富有。
although和though 通常可互换使用 , although比though更正式一些。二者都可与 yet, still连用,但不能与but连用。试译:
A. Unless
B. If
C. Because
D. Though
3. _______ riding shared bikes (共享单车) is
an environmentally friendly way to travel,
many of the bikes are thrown everywhere.
_f_a_s_te_r__a_n_d__fa__st_e_r_ with the development of
science and technology.
“形容词的比较级+ and +形容词的比 较级”这一结构用来表示人或事物本身程 度的改变,意为“越来越……”。对于一 些双音节和多音节形容词,常用“more and more +形容词的原级”来表示。如:
she still continued cleaning the living
room. 2. 尽管这种布很贵,但是它摸起来非常柔软。 Al_t_h_o_u_g_h_/_T__h_o_u_g_h_ the piece of cloth is very
expensive, it feels very soft.
Wimbledon Championships this year. 2. 你知道哪个队赢了篮球比赛吗?
Do you know which team ___w_o_n__ the basketball match?
beat与win都可表示“赢”,但beat 后 跟表示人或某个集体(如a team, a school 等)的词,而win后接race, match, money, competition, war, prize之类的词。如:
1.to cut 3. lying 5. finally 7. your 9. of
2. thought 4. truth 6. better 8. although / though 10. an
1. ______ Lily is only five years old, _____
Our school football team beat the Green Team last week. 上周,我校足球队 打败了绿队。
He won first prize in the writing competition. 他在作文比赛中获得头奖。
No. 2 形容词的比较级+ and +形容词的比较级 【热身体验】根据汉语意思,完成下列句 子。每空词数不限。
【随堂操练】选择填空。 1. — What do you think of my report,
Mike? — Well, it’s wonderful _____ there are
some simple mistakes. A. because B. though C. until
she can swim very well. (2017湖南邵阳)
A. Though; but B. Because; so
C. Though; /
2. ______ she couldn’t see his face, she
could tell by his voice that he was young.
1. 在老师的帮助下,Alice的英语变得越来越好。
With the teacher’s help, Alice’s English is
becoming ____b_e_tt_e_r__a_n_d_b__e_tt_e_r_____.
2. 随着科技的发展,火车的速度变得越来越快。
The speed of the train is becoming _________
虽然他学习很努力,但几乎没取得什么 进步。
误:Although / Though he studies hard,
but he makes little progress. 正:Although / Though he studies hard,
yet he makes little progress. 正:Although / Though he studies hard,
A. Although
B. As
C. Unless
D. Until
No. 1 beat & win 【热身体验】
用beat或win的适当形式填空。 1. 在今年的温布尔登网球锦标赛中,纳达尔
打败了唐纳德•杨。 Nadal __b__ea_t___ Donald Young in the
he makes little progress. 正:He studies hard, but he makes little
【巩固练习】 Ⅰ. 根据汉语意思,完成下列句子。 1. 尽管妈妈有点累,她仍旧继续打扫客厅。
_A_l_th_o_u_g_h_/_T_h_ou_g_h_ Mum was a little tired,