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3-2 Sharing Practice-





3Listening Get the skills Use the skills-2

Use the skills-3

Think and speak

3-4Vieving View it-1

View it-2

4.Before She Went Wing-Walklng I Rebecca Said she WaS anxious but keen.

⅛A. True.

B False.

5.RebeCCa found it SUrPriSingIy easy to wavs WhiIe wingwalking

A. True.

⅛B. False.

6.The Iegendary ROUte 66 ran from ChiCagO to San FranCiSCO.

A. True.

• B. False.

7.ROUte 66 WaS USed by AmenCanS trying to escape from the Great Depression.

•)A True.

B. FaISe

8.One Of the bungee JUmPerS IikeS the feeling Of being StretChed and bounced.

• A. True.

B. False

9.PeOPle have always been fascinated by dolphins1 PIayfUlneSS and intelligence.

• A TrUe

B. False.

3-5 Role playing

Note them down -1

Note them down -2

Get the skills

3-7 Public speaking

Get the skills

3-8 More practice in listening Short conversations


Long conversation




News-1 News-2

3-10 Unit test

4) A She always SPQndS weeks to Plan her

trips • B She IikeS to take Iong CamPing trips D. SI — SeKjOm goes CanIPlng on Weeke(KlS C She doesn't Iike


© 6) A EXclted B. IndIfferent.

• C AnnOyOd D JOyoUS

V 易幵兰专

Directions : IJSten to a IOflg COnVerSAtion and VhOOSe the best InBWef to each qu ∙ιbon you hear.

6) A JWg 8ta∏wy B B eCOmIng a fa∩tastc

dβnce< • C GoIng OUt Γor Ind D D anCIng at Ihe MfOnan ,s

home 7) A DanCIng B D inner

• C ACOnCert D A mOvIe

8) A. The man 1$ Inu)CnarK to his parents

B The Wfoman had a great time Wth her ParentS

C TbeWOman m*t snog about her


• D. The men (JoOSnt WQnt to 90 out WlIh tho WomanS ParQnIS

9) A To be more SenOUS about the B TO have

tea w*h the

CTdgO with Ihe WOCnan ⅛τho.∕t her ParentS

• D. IOQO Wlth the WOman and her ParentS

W) A Wlte and husband. B Glrifnend and


C SiSIer and brcrther

D M(Xnef and SOn


I la∣Af⅜⅜Λ a ∙Xc∙t n*∙∙αc∙∙r⅞X Qhan⅝X∙∙∙∙κ∙ια∙∙αAIIIΛAHAn t∕A∙ a K AAP LZll WUVI∙

X 11>

A Tte InOSt popular forms Of VaCatOnS In the U S.

B FavOnte VaCaiiOn SPOto in the U S.

C EffeCtS Of vacations Cn AmeriCanS

• D Types Of VaCatlOnS m the U S


• A Il is more ComfOrtable tħan Staylng In tents B Il IS loss ConfrfOrtabte tnon StayIng in tools C. It is ICSS adventurous tho∩ IMng in mole⅛ DItlS

more expensive than IrVlng In a IUXUrlOuS hotel

13) • A AmenCa IS Iarge and has many tou∏st attractions β AmQnCa has mow IOUnSt

atlracbons than Europe

C. It is CheaPGr than traveling abroad

D. ThQrG IS no IanQUagO bamor.


A ħs major cities are more Ottroctve than its natural SCeneS

B Hs natural SCeneS are mexe attractive than its major CttleS

• C Both ItS major αUθs and ItS natural scenes are attractive

D ItS maor CitidS ar>d natural SCeneS are IeSS attractive than those n EUrePJ

15) A Ttey Can spΦnd th。√acaton togothor With th© kκis.

B They might UPSet the balance Of nature

C Tbey Can go fβhιng. SkIIng Of


• D ThGy Can took al PlantS and flowers at dose quarters


DIreCtiOnS : LiSten to a BhOrt PaSBage three times. When tħe PaSSage is read fx the first time. listen for its general idea. When the PaSSage ts read for the SeCOnd time, fill In the blanks Wrth the exuct VrOrdS you hear. When the PaSSage for tM third time, check What you have written.

If you HStan io AlnenCan music WatCh AmenCan ι^teυts∣on, OC read AInerlCan magajmα% you WlI

PrObabIy agree that the most POPUlar SUbiect Of these fcxms of entertainment is lσve ROmantiC

IoW always 佃ds an 16) dudsz In tho Umted Slatos Fdihng In log. SolvIna IM ProbtoInS o( IoVe

and βcħιevιng the happy ending - the big WeddIng - are SUbleCtS of mterest to Ihe adults as

WeIl as the 17) wmoe PUbbC MIIIionS Of AmeriCanS 18) CRetysk Valentine's Day With SPeCIaI CardS

and gifts that announce Ihelr IOVG to thθ∣r mates thθ∣r herκfc their cσwoΛθts and th^ιr

farmins 19∣ PoPui利SOngS t⅜ll IA Ihat "Al tfw WOrid IO^S ιIov^r" A POPUlar 5βyιr⅜g is

*Lσve 20) Io(KIu八Olr NUmerOUS 21) H⅛gPPS 血 magazines and newspapers Offer advice to the



those Wlth dιffιc□lt∣9S Of thθ IlGdrt TO most AnnrlCanS romantic I OVΘ 22)

5 central to a happy Iffe

AmGflCaM Coraider mrriago 23)


AJntaiUalOQHMDl. IMtWMn the WVO PeoPte InVClWd.

Young AmenCanS feel free 24) 1。ChOOSe tber σmι mαπιoge Partnef3 from any SOaaI

economic. Or religous background. The man Or WOman may hav9 Stronq ties With ParentS. brothers

Or SlSterS but ⅛⅜^ħβ∩ he Of She talks In tove the StfongeSt feθ∣∣ngrs are SUPPOSGd to

be for

the loved one When an AfnerlCOn C(M)Ie marries they generally DIdn to

IIVe 25) 弘 IrtJl parents and build their OWn independent fam N

