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()1 A kind B find C fine

( ) 2 A at B art C eat

( ) 3 A reading B writing C singing

( )4 A sweet B fruit C roast

( ) 5 A coffee B cake C cream


()1 A doing homework B playing football

C helping at home

( ) 2 A sweet and sour pork B ice cream

C fruit salad

( )3 A in the library B in the corridor

C in the classroom

( )4 A a kind girl B a lazy boy C a happy bird ( )5 A eat fruit B drink tea C want chicken



()1 A I like laughing.

( )2 B I want vegetables.

( )3 C Yes,I do.

( )4 D He is eating fruit salad.

( )5 E She likes maths.


1 2 3 4 5



1 猪肉p k

2 饺子d mpl ngs

3 交谈t k

4 安静qu et

5 想要w t

6 思考th k

7 画画p t


( ) 10

B Charlie is eating rice.

C Beeno is roast chicken.

D I am eating tofu.



( )11 A walking B sing C playing

( )12 A eat B laugh C tofu

( ) 13A fruit salad B roast chicken C coffee

( )14 A jump B English C music

( )15 A funny B laugh C clever


( )16 fish

( )17 music A

( )18drink A

( )19 fruit A

( )20 walk B


( )21 Peter likes .

A sleep

B sleeping

( )22 What do you like ?

Adoing B do

( )23 What subjects Mary like?

A does

B do

( )24 Tom likes reading writing.

A or

B and

( )25 Charlie painting.

A is good at

B good at

( )26 I like music.

A not

B do not

( )27 Helen is good at .

A read

B reading

( )28 Tom’s mother is coffee.

A drinking

B eating

( )29 I like fish I don’t like vegetables.

A and

B but

( )30 –Do you want roast chicken fish?

-I want roast chicken.

A and

B or

( )31 Look at Tom. He is .

A running

B run

( )32 You should in the cirridors.

A walk

B walking

( )33 Peter and Betty talking .

A is

B are

( )34 You eat in the classroom.

A should

B shouldn’t

( )35 Mary is eating .

A fruit salad

B tea


( )36 May is hardworking. ( )37 Sally is clever.

( )38 Charlie is happy. ( )39 Mary is helpful. ( )40 Tom is kind.

二、从ABCDE 中选出与前面句子相对应的那一项。(5分)

()41 You should play A in the canteen. ( )42 You should keep quiet B in the playground. ( )43 You shouldn’t play Cin the corridor. ( )44 You shouldn’t run Din the hall.

( )45 You should eat E in the library.


一、下面单词的字母顺序不对,请根据中文意思重新排序。(5分)46有趣的47音乐48 吃49 豆腐50读书


51 I good am singing

52 also I art like

53 Beeno roast chicken eating is

54 Lily look

55 does Sam what like


Lucy is my good friend. She lives in Beijing now. She likes helping at home. She is hard-working. She also likes reading. She likes Chinese and PE. She is good at running and jumping. She doesn’t like art and she is not good at painting.

( )56 Lucy lives in Beijing .

( )57 Lucy is good at painting .

( )58 My good friend is Lucy.

( )59 Lucy is hard-working.

( )60 Lucy likes art.
