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一、Reading Comprehensio(总题数:4,分数:34.00)

Internet is a vast network of computers that connects many of the world's businesses, institutions, and individuals. The internet, which means interconnected network of networks, links tens of thousands of smaller computer networks. These networks transmit huge amounts of information in the form of words, images, and sounds. The Internet was information on virtually every topic. Network users can search through sources ranging from vast databases to small electronic "bulletin boards", where users form discussion groups around common interests. Much of the Internet's traffic consists of messages sent from one computer user to another. These messages are called electronic mail or e-mail. Internet users have electronic addresses that allow them to send and receive e-mail. Other uses of the network include obtaining news, joining electronic debates, and playing electronic games. One feature of the Internet, known as the World Wide Web, provides graphics, audio, and video to enhance the information in its documents. These documents cover a vast number of topics. People usually access the Internet with a device called a modem. Modems connect computers to the network through telephone lines. Much of the Internet operates through worldwide telephone networks of fiber optic cables. These cables contain hair thin strands of glass that carry data as pulses of light. They can transmit thousands of times more data than local phone lines, most of which consist of copper wires. The history of the Internet began in the 1960s. At that time, the Advanced Research Projects Agency(ARPA)of the United States Department of Defense developed a network of computers called ARPAnet. Originally, ARPAnet connected only military and government computer systems. Its purpose was to make these systems secure in the event of a disaster or war. Soon after the creation of ARPAnet, universities and other institutions developed their own computer networks. These networks eventually were merged with ARPAnet to form the Internet. By the 1990s, anyone with a computer, modem, and Internet software could link up to the Internet. In the future, the Internet will probably grow more sophisticated as computer technology becomes more powerful. Many experts believe the Internet may become part of a larger network called the information superhighway. This network, still under development, would link computers with telephone companies, cable television stations, and other communication systems. People could bank, shop, watch TV, and perform many other activities through the network.(分数:8.00)

(1).This passage is about the______of the Internet.(分数:2.00)


B.general introduction



(2).Which of the following statements about the Internet is true?(分数:2.00)

A.ARPA was the first net used by American universities and institutions.

B.The history of the Internet can be traced back to fifty years ago.

C.The purpose of the Internet is to protect the world in the event of war.

D.ARPAnet formed the foundation of the Internet nowadays.

(3).The Internet enables people to do all the following things EXCEPT______.(分数:2.00)

A.sending email

B.obtaining news

C.exchanging modem

D.internet related chat(IRC)

(4).According to the last paragraph, in the future______.(分数:2.00)
