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1) Strictly speaking,he is not a southerner. His biography reveals that, though born in the south, he spent a good part of his childhood years in New England.


2)Right after the Spring Festival, millions of young people drifted from the countryside to the cities to look for work and explore the world.


3) It is obvious that Tom resembles his father both in appearance and in character.


4) There is clear evidence that Japan committed many serious crimes against the Chinese people when it invaded China during the Second World War.


5)Medical scientists expect it will be many years before cancer is conquered.


6)The novel has a fascinating plot. This explains why it has remained number one on the best-seller list for so long.


7)He must have been very busy these days. He does not go out for lunch but eats a snack in the office.


8) To settle the controversy, we have to put all these different theories into practice to see which one works better.


9) The information is supposed to have come from a reliable source.


10) We rarely have such terrible weather. The climate here is usually very mild and everything thrives in this region.


11) People felt relieved when the invaders finally put down their arms and surrendered. 当侵略者终于放下武器投降了,人们感到放松了。

12) Our suspicions were first aroused when the two other parties made a deal behind our backs.


A fascinating feature of the English language is its tolerance of new words and phrases, either borrowed or invented. There exists no authority to examine each new addition to the language, to determine what is acceptable and to ban what is not. True, some people do think that borrowed words corrupt the language. They think the language is running out of control. At one time, influenced by the intellectual elite in France, some people came up with the idea of establishing an academy to maintain the purity of the English language. Fortunately the idea

never took hold. Massive borrowing from a rich, variety of sources was, as a result, left free to greatly enrich the language.


1) 自从新政策生效以后,很多小企业在这个城市涌现出来。

Many small businesses has sprung up in the city since the new policy went into effect.


On hearing the news, she smiled briefly, and then returned to her habitual frown.


He paused for effect, then said:” We can enter these markets through new channels.


The addition of a concert hall to the school will help it nourish young musical talents.


We have no way to protect our personal liberties unless we, first of all, establish a sovereign state.
