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绝密★启用前 浙江省宁波市2017年初中毕业生学业考试

英 语




第一节:听小对话,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。 1. Which cartoon character does Eric like best?




2. What is the boy going to do?




3. How will the speakers go home?

A. B.


4. Where does the conversation probably happen?




5. Why does Sandy look tired?




第二节:听较长对话,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。


6. What does the man love to do in summer? A. Go fishing in the river. B. Read in the sunshine. C. Walk in the countryside.

7. In which seasons does the woman often play sports indoors?

A. Spring.

B. Summer.

C. Winter.

听下面一段较长的对话,回答第8~10三小题。 8. Why is the man buying the clothes? A. For a trip. B. For an interview. C. For a party. 9. What color does the man want ?

A. Dark blue.

B. Gray.

C. Brown. 10. How much does the man need to pay in the end?

A. $180.

B. $200.

C. $230.

11. A. CZ9736 B. CZ7936 C. CZ7396 12. A. heavy rain B. heavy snow

C. strong wind 13. A. taxi

B. car

C. bus

14. A. supper and water B. lunch and milk C. breakfast and juice 15. A. China Southern

B. China Eastern

C. Beijing Capital


阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A very rich man Peter lost his sight. The 16 told him that only by doing a cornea (角膜) transplant operation could he bring sight back. Peter 17 a lot of money for the cornea, but time passed day after day, 18 came for that. It was all because he was too proud of his

“wealth”, and had done many dishonest things.

One day, he took a walk in the park. He raised his head to 19 the long-awaited sunshine. However, he saw nothing but darkness.

Just as Peter started feeling 20 , someone suddenly ran into him. “Don’t you have eyes?







效----------------毕业学校_____________ 姓名________________ 考生号________________ ________________ ___________

Don’t you see who hit! I’m millonaire Peter!” Peter said 21 .

The answer was from a little boy, “I’m 22 , sir. I didn’t notice. Please forgive(原谅) me!”

Suddely Peter changed his mind and said, “I can forgive you, but you must 23 me!”

The boy said yes repeatedly and Peter nodded with satisfaciton and asked, “Is the 24 big today?”

The boy answered merrily, “Yes, it is pretty fine today, big and bright!”

Peter smiled. He thought he could feel the sun again. He asked, “Is the park beautiful?”

“Yes, very! The grass is green and the flowers are pretty. The little 25 are so lovely when the birds sing in them.”

26 he was listening, Peter bagan to envy(嫉妒) that boy.

Suddenly, he 27 , “God! How I envy this boy! It’s unfair! Why not give me good 28 ?”

“You are wrong!” a woman said to Peter. “My son is 29 just like you. He could only tell you so much because that’s all I told him!” Tears suddenly 30 Peter’s eyes.

Since then, the city charity has got a lot of money evey year. It is from a man named Peter.

16. A. teacher B. doctor C. policeman D. driver

17. A. wasted B. paid C. offered D. gave

18. A. nobody B. everybody C. somebody D. anybbody

19. A. enjoy B. find C. face D. watch

20. A. nervous B. bored C. tired D. sad

21. A. softly B. coldly C. proudly D. angrily

22. A. surprised B. afraid C. sorry D. puzzled

23. A. look after B. chat with C. wait for D. write to

24. A. wind B. sun C. cloud D. moon

25. A. kites B. rivers C. stones D. trees

26. A. As B. Because C. Although D. Unless

27. A. understood B. cried C. asked D. smiled

28. A. hearing B. feelings C. sight D. tastes

29. A. deaf B. rich C. blind D. normal

30. A. filled B. covered C. touched D. entered




31. The poem is probably written by a(an) ________.

A. student

B. teacher

C. actor

D. zoo keeper

32. The author is trying to tell us he wants to ________.

A. fly or swim all day

B. be free like animals

C. be a fog

D. fish and run in the forests

33. The best word for the blank in the poem is ________.

A. checked

B. gone

C. done

D. finished


Do you know any 9-year-olds who have started their own museums? When Theodore Roosevelt(罗斯福) was only nine, he and two of his cousins opened the “Roosevelt Museum of Natural History”. The museum was in Theodore’s bedroom. It had a total of 12 specimens(标本). On display were a few seashells, some dead insects and some birds’ nests. Young Roosevelt took great pride in his small museum.

Born in New York in 1858, Theodore Roosevelt was not always healthy. “I was a sickly, delicate boy,” he once wrote. Roosevelt had a health condition called asthma(哮喘). He often found it hard to breathe. Instead of playing, he observed(观察) nature and then read and wrote about it.

Roosevelt’s interest in nature sometimes got him into trouble. Once, his mother found several dead mice in the icebox. She ordered him to throw them out. This was indeed “a loss to science,” Roosevelt said later.
