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economic & economical

economic 是指“经济的、与经济有关的或与贸易、商业、生产、财产分配有关的”(connected with the science of economics)。

例如:economic problems 经济问题economic state 经济状况economic basis 经济基础economic situation 经济形势economic system 经济制度

1.His family moved to a smaller house for economic reasons.


2.Their country is faced with many economic problems. 他们国家面临许多经济问题。economical 是指“节约的、不浪费的、节俭的”(not wasteful; money-saving)。

例如:economical management 节俭经营economical living 节俭的生活

economical method 节约的方法economical person 节俭的人

an economical housewife 节俭的家庭主妇

1.The engine is fairly economical of fuel. 这台发动机相当省油。

2.He is economical of his time. 他很节约时间。

electric & electrical

electric 是指“电产生的,电带动的,带电的”(produced by, worked by or charged with electricity)或者“发电的,蓄电的”(producing electricity)。

例如:an electric light 电灯an electric fence 电网an electric generator 发电机electric power 电力,电源an electric shock 点击an electric clock 电钟

an electric bell 电铃an electric current 电流an electric torch 手电筒

an electric generating plant 发电厂

1. My mother has bought an electric iron. 我妈妈买了一个电熨斗。

2. He touched the electric wires. 他摸到了电线。

electrical 是指“与电器有关的(人或物)”(related to the subject of electricity)。

例如:an electrical engineer 电气工程师electrical apparatus 电器an electrical fault 电气故障electrical engineering 电气工程electrical equipment 电气设备

1. Don’t play with electrical equipment. 不要玩弄电气设备。

2. I think the fault is probably electrical. 我想故障可能与电有关。

historic & historical

historic 是指“具有历史意义的或历史上著名的”(important, notable, memorable or well-known in history)或“历史悠久的”(have a long history)。

例如:a historic spot 历史上著名的地点 a historic document 具有历史意义的文件

a historic city 历史名城 a historic speech 具有历史意义的演讲

a historic tradition 历史传统 a historic building 历史悠久的建筑物

a historic event 一件历史上重要或著名的事

1. We shall visit many historic spots on our trip. 在这次旅途中我们将访问许多历史上著名的地方。

2. Japan and China signed a historic peace and friendship treaty. 中日签订了具有历史意义的和平条约。Historical 是指“历史上的,与历史有关的”(concerned with history),它的同义词有“真实的,过去的,非虚构的,非传说的,非现代的”等等。

例如:a historical novel (film, play, phenomenon, investigation, method, document) 历史小说(电影、戏剧、现象、研究、方法、文献)historical studies 历史研究historical records 历史记载historical papers 历史文件historical people 历史人物

historical events 历史事件(不管是否重要或著名)

1.The book is based on historical events. 这本书是根据历史事件写的。

2.We doubt the historical truth of his conclusions. 我们怀疑他的结论的历史真实性。


1. The young house wife cannot be too ____ if she is to help her husband in his career.

A. economic

B. economy

C. economics

D. economical

2. ____ are fed into a tape recorder, they magnetize(使磁化) the particles on the tape in varying patterns.

A. Electric waves

B. When electric waves

C. Because of electric waves

D. Electric waves that

3. When she was a little girl, her father often led her around some ____ sites and told her many stories about things that had happened many years ago.

A. building

B. historical

C. traditional

D. literary

4. If she had turned off the ____ heater, the house would not have caught fire.

A. electrical

B. electricity

C. electric

D. electronic

5. The meeting is of great ____ significance.

A. history

B. historic

C. historical

D. historian
