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一、单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题l分,计15分)

1. ____ unusual music he is playing ! All of us are losing ourselves in it .

A. How

B. What an

C. How a

D. What

2.Teenagers would rather_____ secrets with friends than _____ about them with parents.

A. sharing; talk

B. share; talking

C. share; talk

D. sharing; talking

3.The disabled people shouldn’t ____________. We should help them.

A. look down on

B. be looked low on

C. be looked down on

D. be looking down on

4.The number of speaking Chinese ______ larger than ____ of those speaking English in the world .

A are, that B. are, one C. is , that D. is ,those

5.Maggie bought me lots of gifts on my birthday. The underlined part is .

A. subject

B. direct object

C. indirect object

D. predicate

6.How terrible the accident was! The man was hit _______and ________.

A. by car; bled dead

B. by a car; bled to death

C. by car; bled to death

D. by a car; bled dead

7.The colour of blue ____________the feeling of _______________.

A. makes, energy

B. represents, joy

C. creates, harmony

D. creates, purity

8.The money __________ by us will ___________ those people in need.

A. raising, be used to help

B. raised, be used to help

C. raising, be used to helping

D. raised, be used for help

9. Some of us prefer to home rather than the bus.

A. walk to, take

B. walk, to take

C. walk, take

D. walking, taking

10. The thief ____ when he ____ a watch in the shop.

A. caught, stealing

B. had caught, stole

C. has caught, steal

D. was caught, was stealing

11.We can remind people ____ the environment by _____ them the beauty of nature.

A. protect, show

B. to protect, to show

C. to protect, showing

D. protect, showing

12. A policeman told him that a shop ___________.

A. had robbed

B. had stolen

C. had been robbed

D. had been stolen

13.The old man lived alone all his life and he a rainy winter evening.

A. passed away in

B. past away in

C. passed away on

D. past away on

14 Tom does nothing but ______ a lot of homework every day. However, he has no choice but _______ it..

A. do, do

B. to do, to do

C. to do, do

D. do, to do

15. People didn’t know _________ during the night.

A. what was happened

B. what the murder happened

C. what happened

D. how the murder has happened

二、完形填空(本大题共15分,每小题1分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意, 然后从下面四


Yesterday my grandfather told me about his early days. 1 he left school, he found a job in a post office. He worked hard in the 2 .Soon he had more money than his friends 3 his hard work. It seemed that he would have a bright future.

When he was 25 years old, however, he began to 4 his job. He wanted a more exciting one, so he left the post office. Two months 5 he found a new job in a big company(公司 ). Workers in this company 6 travelled a lot. At first he really enjoyed travelling. But after a year, he began to hate it. He had to 7 and he was always in a car or on a train. The worst thing was that he 8 make any new friends. Even so, his boss(老板,上司 ) was not satisfied(满意的) with him. Two years later he had to leave the company.

He was 9 at that time so he sold his house. He had to 10 a part-time job in a book shop. He was surprised to find that he loved 11 ! He made new friends every day and he enjoyed 12 books. Three years later, he married the shop owner's daughter. Soon they had their first child. In the next ten years, they had another three 13 and four more book shops! He became very rich indeed.

He 14 me "Life is wonderful. The 15 important thing is that you should always try your best. Never give up!"

( )16. A. While B. When C. Until D. If

( ) 17 .A. factory B. theatre C. bank D. post office

( ) 18. A. because B. because of C. as D. since

( ) 19. A. dislike B. like C. love D. be crazy about

( ) 20. A. ago B. before C. later D. after

( ) 21. A. almost B. usually C. seldom D. never

( )22 .A. stay in one place B. move around C. make noise D. make a wish

( )23. A. can't B. was able to C. couldn't D. could

( )24. A. happy B. energetic C. rich D. poor

( )25. A. accept B. reduce C. loose D. return

( )26. A. it B. them C. him D. none

( )27. A. to read B. read C. reading D. reads

( )28. A. sisters B. brothers C. children D. cousins

( )29. A. said B. spoke C. talked D. told

( )30. A. best B. much C. more D. most


