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I. 听力对话理解。(共5分,每小题1分)


1. How does Cindy often go to school?

A. By bus.

B. On foot.

C. By bike.

2. How many apples will the girl cut up?

A. One apple.

B. Two apples.

C. Three apples.

3. Which cinema is the cheapest in the city?

A. The Town Cinema.

B. The Showtime Cinema.

C. The Showdown Cinema.

4. Which subject is the girl good at?

A. Physics.

B. Math.

C. Physics and math.

5. Where did Peter visit in America?

A. Paris.

B. New York.

C. Los Angeles.

6. Where is the man going on the day off?

A. He is going to see some friends.

B. He is staying at home.

C. He is going out to do some sports.

7. How does Thomas play basketball?

A. Better than Tom

B. Best in his class

C. worst in his class

8. What did Tony see in the zoo?

A. some monkeys

B. some snakes

C. A panda

9. What did Kate do yesterday?

A. She had some classes

B. She swam with her friends.

C. She went hiking

10. Why didn't Jim have fun on his day off?

A. He had to help his father on the farm.

B. He argued with the girl.

C. We don't know.

II. 听力篇章理解。(共10分,每小题1分)



11. Where does Mr. Read come from?

A. England

B. New York

C. A middle school in China

12. What are they going to do tomorrow?

A. Go to school

B. Have a Chinese class

C. Have a swim

13. Does Mr Read speak Chinese?

A. No, he doesn't.

B. Yes, he doesn't.

C. Yes, a little.


14. What does the girl like better?

A. Art

B. Music

C. Running

15. What is the girl not good at?

A. Singing songs

B. Drawing

C. Swimming

16. What does the teacher think of art and music?

A. Art is easier than music.

B. Art is not important

C. Both of them are popular.


17. Why was Tom worried all week?

A. Because he lost his bike.

B. Because he got a letter from the police.

C. Because his mother was ill.

18. What did the policeman tell Tom to do?

A. To find his lost bike.

B. To go to the train station.

C. To go to the police station.

19. How were the policemen sending Tom’s lost bike?

A. By car

B. By train

C. By bus

20. When did Tom lose his bike?

A. Twelve years ago

B. Two years ago.

C. Twenty years ago


III. 单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21. Tom is ______taller than any other student in his class.

A. much A. very C. more D. much more

22. —Would you like ________to drink?

—Yes, I’d like a glass of water.

A. something else

B. else something

