五年级下册英语试题-写作-人教pep 含答案【精品】

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1. 以“My favourite season”为题, 写一篇小作文。

提示:(1) spring, summer, autumn, winter

(2) fly kites, go swimming, make a snowman, pick apples

(3) I like . . . best, I often . . . , It's . . .

范文:My favourite season

There are four seasons in a year. I like spring best. It's warm and windy in spring. I can fly kites and plant trees. And there are many flowers in spring. They are very beautiful. I don't like summer. It's too hot for me. And I often go swimming in the lake. I like autumn and winter, too. In autumn, it is cool and windy. I can play football and pick apples. In winter, it's cold and snowy. I can make a snowman and skate in winter. Which season do you like?


一年有四个季节。我最喜欢春天。在春天, 天气暖和而且有风。我能放风筝还可以植树。而且在春天有许多的花儿。它们非常漂亮。我不喜欢夏天。它对我来说太热了。我经常去湖里游泳。我也喜欢秋天和冬天。在秋天, 天气凉爽而且有风。我能踢足球还能摘苹果。在冬天, 天气寒冷且有雪。在冬天, 我能堆雪人和滑冰。你喜欢哪一个季节呢?

2. 请以“My family's birthdays”为题, 写一篇小作文。

提示词和句子:(1)summer, spring, autumn, winter, July, March, October, leaves, often, sunny (2)There are. . . , I love. . .

范文:My family's birthdays

My mother's birthday is in March. She loves spring. It's warm and windy. And she can fly kites in spring. My father's birthday is in October. It's cool and windy in October. He loves autumn. The leaves are colourful and beautiful. He often goes fishing under the tree. My birthday is July 8th. It's hot and sunny in July. I usually swim in the lake. And there are many fruits to eat. I love summer. We all love winter. We can make a snowman together.


我妈妈的生日在三月。她喜欢春天, 天气暖和、多风。在春天, 她可以放风筝。我爸爸的生日在十月。在十月, 天气凉爽且多风。他喜欢秋天。树叶颜色丰富且漂亮。他经常在树下钓鱼。我的生日是7月8日。七月天气炎热晴朗。我通常在湖里游泳。并且有许多水果吃。我喜欢夏天。我们都喜欢冬天。我们可以一起堆雪人。

3. 看图, 以“My family”为题, 写一篇短文, 介绍自己的家人以及他们正在做的事。要求:40~60词。

范文:My family

I have a happy family. There are five people in my family. Look! My grandfather is reading a newspaper. My father is reading books. My mother is washing clothes. My sister is drawing a picture. What am I doing? I am doing my homework.


我有一个幸福的家庭。在我家里有五口人。看!我爷爷正在看报纸。我爸爸正在读书。我妈妈正在洗衣服。我妹妹正在画画。我在干什么呢? 我正在写我的作业。

4. 你是怎么样度过周末的呢? 在周末你都做些什么? 试着写一写。

(1)提示词:busy, help, play, sports(2)不少于40词。


I am busy on the weekend. On Saturday, I do my homework and help my mother do the housework in the morning. I play sports in the afternoon. I play basketball at 3:00. And I go for a walk with my friend at 5:00. On Sunday, I read a book in the morning. Then I go shopping. I visit my grandparents in the afternoon. We watch TV and talk about something together. I have a good time on the weekend.


在周末, 我很忙。在周六, 我上午做作业并帮助妈妈做家务。下午我做运动。三点我打篮球。五点我和我朋友散步。周日上午我看书。然后我购物。下午我看望我的祖父母。我们一起看电视并且谈论一些事情。我的周末过得很愉快。


1. 以“On the weekend”为题, 介绍一下你周末的活动, 词数不少于50。

On the weekend





2. 请以“The seasons”为题, 写一写你眼中的四季, 它们都有什么特点, 你可以进行哪些活动, 不少于50词。

The seasons





3. 请以“Li Ping's family”为题写一篇短文, 描述一下李平的家人都在做什么。50词左右。

Li Ping's family





4. 看图片, 写一写图中的人物正在做什么, 40词左右。
