英语词汇库{英语专题分类词汇(人体部位 Human Body Parts)}

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戈洛博翻译- 英语词汇库


(人体部位Human Body Parts)

human organ 器官;head 头;scalp 头皮;dandruff 头皮屑;hair follicle 毛囊;crown 头顶;bald head 秃头/光头;hair 头发;forelock留海/额发;blond hair 金发;kinky hair 卷缩发;wavy hair 波浪发;straight hair 直发;forehead 额/脑门;temple太阳穴;philtrum 人中;ophryon 印堂;sidebums 鬓角;face 脸;wrinkle 皱纹;crow's feet 鱼尾纹;freckle 雀斑;dimple 酒涡;pimple 粉刺;wart 瘊子;naevus/mole 痦子;pockmark 麻子;naevus/mole 痣;cheekbone 颧骨;chin 下巴;cheek 面颊;jaw 颚;maxilla 上颚;mandible 下颚;jawbone 颚骨;eye 眼睛;right eye 左眼;left eye 右眼;dark eye 黑眼睛;brown eye 茶色眼睛;blue eye 蓝眼睛;hazel eye 淡褐色眼睛;almond eye 杏仁眼;phoenix eye 丹凤眼;cross eyes 对眼/斗鸡眼;double eyelid 双眼皮;single-fold eyelid 单眼皮;eyebrow/brows 眉毛;eyelash 睫毛;eyelid 眼皮/眼睑;eyeball 眼珠;white of the eye 眼白;cornea 角膜;conjunctiva结膜;iris 虹膜;sclera 巩膜;pupil 瞳孔;choroid脉络膜;retina 视网膜;optic disc 视神经盘;macula lutea 视网膜黄斑;aqueous humor(眼球的)水状体;lens(眼球的)晶状体;vitreous body(眼球的)玻璃体;ciliary body(眼球的)睫状体;lacrimal apparatus 泪器;ophthalmic 眼动脉;ear耳朵;right ear 左耳;left ear 右耳;inner ear canal内耳道;lobe 耳垂;earwax 耳垢;eardrum 耳膜;left eustachian tube 左耳咽管;right eustachan tube 右耳咽管;auditory canal 听道;aural nerve 听觉神经;tympanic cavity 鼓室;auditory tube 咽鼓管;vestibule 前庭;cochlea 耳蜗;semicircular canal 半规管;nose 鼻子;nasal cavity 鼻腔;nasal passages 鼻道;nostril 鼻孔; vibrissa/rhinothrix 鼻毛;snot 鼻涕;bridge of the nose 鼻梁;upturned nose 朝天鼻;aquiline nose 鹰钩鼻;snub nose 狮子鼻;bulbous nose 球状鼻;grecian nose 悬胆鼻;Roman nose 鹰鼻;mouth 嘴/口;cavity 口腔;slobber口水/唾液;phlegm/sputum 痰;lip嘴唇;tongue 舌;uvula 悬雍垂/小舌;tip of the tongue 舌尖;coating on the tongue/fur舌苔;tooth/teeth 牙齿;front tooth/incitor 门牙;gum 牙龈/牙床;crown 齿冠;root/fang 齿根;enamel (牙)珐琅质;hard palate 硬腭;soft palate 软腭;denlture 假齿;molar 臼齿/磨牙/后牙;wisdom teeth 智齿;esophagus 食道;ocal cordsv 声带;throat 咽喉/喉咙;larynx 喉;Adam's apple 喉结;pharynx咽/咽头;tonsil 扁桃体;salivary glands 唾液腺;sublingual gland 舌下腺;parotid gland 腮腺;submandibular gland 下颌下腺;trunk 身躯/躯干;skin皮肤;goose flesh鸡皮疙瘩;fine hair on the human body 汗毛;bead of sweat 汗珠子;sweat gland 汗腺;gland 腺;mustache/beard 胡子;goatee 山羊胡;whisker 络腮胡;neck 颈/脖子;nape(scruff)of the neck 项/颈背;back of the human

body/back 脊梁/后背;shoulder 肩;shoulder joint 肩关节;chest 胸部;left pectoral 左胸;right pectoral右胸;pit 胸口;chest hair胸毛;abdomen 腹;upper abdomen 上腹;lower abdomen 下腹;armpit 腋窝;armpit hair 腋毛;breast 乳房;nipple 乳头;areola 乳头轮/乳晕; genital organ 生殖器;foreskin包皮;penis 阴茎;balanus 龟头/阴茎头;pubes/public hair 阴毛;scrotum 阴囊;testicle 睾丸;epididymis 附睾;sperm 精子;sperm duct/ductus deferens输精管;ejaculatory duct 射精管;spermatic cord 精索;seminal vesicle 精囊;prostate/prostate gland前列腺;bulb ourethral gland 尿道球腺;private part 阴部;vagina 阴道;clitoris阴蒂;labia阴唇;uterus/womb 子宫;cervix uterine子宫颈;ovary 卵巢;egg 卵子;oviduct/fallopian tube/uterine tube 输卵管;perineum 会阴;hymen/maidenhead 处女膜;waist 腰;navel/belly button 脐;hip 胯;crotch 胯裆;hipbone胯骨;buttocks 屁股/臀部;left buttock 左臀;right buttock 右臀;groin 腹股沟;knee 膝盖;knee joint 膝关节;kneecap膝盖骨;hollow of the knee/back of the knee膝弯;leg腿;thigh 大腿;left thigh 左大腿;right thigh 右大腿;lower leg 小腿;calf 腿肚;left lower leg 左小腿;right lower leg 右小腿;foot/feet 脚;footprint 脚印;sole of the foot脚掌/脚底;arch of the foot脚心/脚掌心;instep 脚背;toe 脚趾;toe nail 脚趾甲;ankle 踝;Achilles's tendon/heel tendon 跟腱;heel 脚后跟;limb 肢;arm 胳膊/臂;upper arm 上臂;fore arm 前臂;bend (crook)of the arm胳膊弯;hand 手;left hand 左手;right hand 右手;palm 手心/手掌;back of the hand/back 手背;fingerprint 手印;fist 拳头;wrist 手腕/腕子;wrist joint 腕关节;finger 手指;knuckle 指关节;fingernail 指甲;thumb 拇指;forefinger/index finger 食指;middle finger 中指;ring finger 无名指;little finger 小指;moon 月牙儿;elbow 肘;left elbow 左肘;right elbow 右肘;elbow joint 肘关节;nerve 神经;cell 细胞;blood 血液;blood vessel 血管;red corpuscle count 红血球;white corpuscle count 白血球;platelet count 血小板;pulse 脉搏;vein 静脉;artery 动脉;windpipe/trachea 气管;capillary 毛细血管;bronchi 支气管;spinal marrow/spinal cord 脊髓;marrow 骨髓;brain 脑;cerebrum 大脑;cerebellum小脑;internal organs/viscera 内脏;heart 心/心脏;cardiac atrium 心房;cardiac ventricle 心室;tricuspid valve 三尖瓣;mitral valve 二尖瓣;conus arteriosus 动脉圆锥;pulmonary orifice 肺动脉口;aortic sinus 主动脉窦;interatrial septum 房间隔;interventricular septum 室间隔;sinuatrial node 窦房结;atrioventricular node 房室结;atrioventricular bundle房室束;coronary artery 冠状动脉;pericardium 心包;pulmonary trunk 肺动脉干;arterial ligament 动脉韧带;common carotid 颈总动脉;carotid glomus 颈动脉小球;internal carotid 颈内动脉;facial 面动脉;superficial temporal 颞浅动脉;subclavian 锁骨下动脉;axillary 腋动脉;brachial 肱动脉;ulnar 尺动脉;radial 桡动脉;superficial palmar arch 掌浅弓;thoracic aorta 胸主动脉;abdominal aorta 腹主动脉;coeliac trunk 腹腔干;left gastric 胃左动脉;common hepatic 肝总动脉;splenic 脾动脉right gastroepiploic 胃网膜右动脉;superior mesenteric 肠系膜上动脉;common iliac 髂总动脉;external iliac 髂外动脉;femoral 股动脉;popliteal 腘动脉;posterior tibial 胫后动脉;peroneal 腓动脉;dorsal artery of foot 足背动脉;uterine 子宫动脉;superior vena cava 上腔静脉;brachiocephalic vein头臂静脉;internal jugular 颈内静脉;cephalic 头静脉;basilic 贵要静脉;median cubital 肘正中静脉;azygos 奇静脉;great saphenous 大隐静脉;portal 门静脉;paraumbilical 附脐静脉;thoracic duct 胸导管;superficial inguinal lymph nodes 腹股沟浅淋巴结;diaphragm隔膜;pancreas 胰腺;pancreas 胰;spleen 脾/脾脏;kidney
