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附录2 Appendix Two


[i] 对应字母i, y, a, ai, u

i - it hill wit sick

y - agony balcony many

a - beverage garbage passage

ai - mountain captain

u - busy minute

[i:]对应字母ea, ee, e, ei, ie, ey, i ea - sea tea defeat

ee - bee feel feet

e - me he she media

ei - leisure seize

ie - brief thief chief

ey - key

i - machine

[e]对应字母e, ea, ai, ay, u

e - wet bend

ea - bread threat

ai - said

ay - says

u - bury


a - rat cap lack

[a:]对应字母ar, oc, al, o

ar - star car alarm

oc - lock cock

al - calm palm

o - not on [ɔ:]对应字母aw, al, ou, oar, our, or, ar, au aw - law hawk yawn lawn dawn al - all walk hall talk

ou - bought fought

oar - soar

our - course court

or - born sort snore

ar - warn warmth award

au - haunt caught autumn


ou - cough

[u]对应字母oo, u, ou

oo - fool took good

u - full pull

ou - should

[u:]对应字母ew, oo, ui, o, ou

ew - flew crew

oo - food boom soon

ui - fruit

o - tomb

ou - group

[ʌ] 对应字母u, o, ou, oo

u - bus us but buckle

o - onion monk above

ou - enough

oo - blood flood

[ə:] 对应字母or, ir, ear, ur, er

or - worm work

ir - dirt firm

ear - learn search research heard ur - burn surf

er - amerce term danger

[ə] 对应字母a, ar, ou, o, or, e, u, ur

a - above ago thousand

ar - regular particular

ou - famous jealous

o - person

or - monitor actor

e - quiet vessel

u - vacuum

ur - surround

[ei] 对应字母a, ea, ai, ay, ey

a - date cake make

ea - great

ai - wait vail aid

ay - bay himalayas

ey - obey obeyance

[ai ə] 对应字母ire, ie

ire - empire inspire respire

ie - society quiet

[au] 对应字母ou, ow

ou - house noun thousand

ow - bow town

[ai ] 对应字母uy, ie, i, ei, y uy - buy

ie - lie pie

i - hike hight

ei - Fahrenheit height

y - asylum

[ou] 对应字母o, ow, oa

o - hose hole

ow - bowl

oa - oat boat moat coat

[ɔi] 对应字母oi, oy

oi - soil oil

oy - boy toy

[iə] 对应字母eer, ear, ere eer - beer

ear - dear ear fear

ere - here

[ɛə] 对应字母air, ear, are, eir air - fair air

ear - bear

are - hare dare

eir - heir their

[uə] 对应字母oor, ure, our oor - poor

ure - sure lure

our - tour



p - pea peach peak pie pig


b - bee back bear


t - bet boat neat


d- need dig doom dad

[k] 对应字母ck, k, c, ch, qu

ck - back pick

k - kill keen

c - cast come

ch - school schedule

qu - conquer unique technique

[g] 对应字母g

g - green grave gravity


qu - quit question quite quiet

[tʃ] 对应字母ch, tch, tu, ti ,t

ch - chain chest

tch - watch catch

tu - culture agriculture architecture ti - celestial question

t - fortune [dʒ] 对应字母d, j, g, dg

d - schedul

e education soldier j - jane jeep

g - gym gibe

dg - bridge budget edge

[dr] 对应字母dr

dr - drive

[tr] 对应字母tr

tr - tree

[dz] 对应字母ds

ds - minds winds

[ts] 对应字母ts

ts - treats cats hats

[f] 对应字母f, ph, gh

f - fail fair

ph - phone

gh - enough cough laugh

[v] 对应字母v

v - leave vary


th - thought thank

[ð] 对应字母th, the

th - though than breath

the - breathe bathe
