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1.It doesn‟t matter.

2.What‟s the matter with your nose?

3.You will do well in your studies.

4.She was ill for a month, but she is looking well now.

5.She sat by the side of a well.

6.Well, what a surprise!

7.Though it‟s hard work, I enjoy it.

8.It is hard work. I enjoyed it, though. And I think I should try hard to do it well.

9.Stand back and let the man through.

10.There was a fruit stand by the roadside.

11.She is wearing a beautiful scarf round her neck.

12.There was a round mirror on the wall.

13.The ground is covered with ice and snow all the year round.

14.The boxer was knocked out in the third round.

15.We are going to round up a few friends to help you.

16.After several hours‟ work, he usually stops to have a rest.

17.After he works for several hours, he usually stops to have a rest.

18.You should work with each other in after years.

19.Oh, this old house smells.

20.It‟s the smell of ripe apples.

21.Did you smell something usual?

22.The flowers smell fragrant(香的).

23.Your opinion interests me.

24.Many boys show great interest in football.

25.Mary is the only child in her family.

26.I only stayed there for several minutes.

27.This city is a good place to visit.

28.Just place the books over there.

29.I have already booked enough tickets beforehand.

30.The man is old enough to retire.

31.I must go to school right now!.


1. Some two million tourists visit our country every summer.

2. You must be joking with me.

3. The cake has been cooked for an hour.

4. Any good guide will tell you the best places to visit.

5. You can paint the house any color you like.

6. He is entirely mad.

7. The girl ran out of the house as fast as she could.

8. I …m angry at what he said.

9. John is almost as tall as his father.

10. The female lion is as good a hunter as the male lion.

11. Don‟t be afraid to speak in public.

12. As many as 5000 people attended the meeting.

13. I simply couldn‟t understand what he meant.

14. She talked only about us and weather.

15. After that we met her quite frequently.

句子成分, 简单句、并列句和复合句


(一)句子成分的定义:构成句子的各个部分叫做句子成分。句子成分有主要成分和次要成分;主要成分有主语和谓语;次要成分有表语、宾语、定语、状语、补足语和同位语。(二)主语:主语是一个句子所叙述的主体,一般位于句首。但在there be结构、疑问句(当主语不疑问词时)和倒装句中,主语位于谓语、助动词或情态动词后面。主语可由名词、代词、数词、不定式、动名词、名词化的形容词和主语从句等表示。例如:During the 1990s, American country music has become more and more popular.(名词)We often speak English in class.(代词)

One-third of the students in this class are girls.(数词)

To swim in the river is a great pleasure.(不定式)

Smoking does harm to the health.(动名词)

The rich should help the poor.(名词化的形容词)

When we are going to have an English test has not been decided.(主语从句)

It is necessary to master a foreign language.(it作形式主语,真正的主语为后面的不定式)(三)谓语:谓语说明主语所做的动作或具有的特征和状态。动词在句中作谓语,一般放在主语之后。谓语的构成如下:

1、简单谓语:由一个动词或动词短语构成。如:He practices running every morning.

2、复合谓语:(1)由情态动词或其他助动词加动词原形构成。如:You may keep the book for two weeks. He has caught a bad cold. (2)由系动词加表语构成。如:We are students. (四)表语:表语用以说明主语的身份、特征和状态,它一般位于系动词(如be, become, get, look, grow, turn, seem等)之后。表语一般由名词、代词、形容词、分词、数词、不定式、
