标准船舶修理合同 中英文对照

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1. 船舶基本信息

英文:The vessel is identified as (insert name of vessel) and is of the (insert type) type, with a gross tonnage of (insert tonnage). The vessel is currently lying at (insert name of port).

中文:该船舶为(insert name of vessel),船型为(insert type),总吨位为(insert tonnage)。船舶目前停泊在(insert name of port)。

2. 修理内容

英文:The shipyard agrees to carry out the repairs as specified in the repair specification provided by the owner. The owner agrees to pay for the repairs in accordance with the terms of this contract.


3. 修理费用

英文:The repairs will be carried out at a rate of (insert rate) per hour. The total cost of the repairs is estimated to be (insert amount). The owner agrees to pay a deposit of (insert

amount) prior to the commencement of the repairs, with the balance to be paid upon completion of the repairs.

中文:修理费用按照每小时(insert rate)的费率计算。修理总费用估计为(insert amount)。船东同意在修理开始前支付预付款(insert amount),余款将在修理完成后支付。

4. 修理期限

英文:The repairs will be carried out within (insert time frame) from the commencement of the repairs. Any delay beyond this time frame will be subject to additional charges as agreed between the parties.

中文:修理将在修理开始后(insert time frame)内完成。如有超时,将按照双方协商的额外费用进行计算。

5. 保证期限

英文:The repairs are guaranteed for a period of (insert period) from the completion of the repairs. Any defects arising within this period will be rectified by the shipyard at no additional cost to the owner.

中文:修理保证期限为修理完成后的(insert period)内。在保证期限内出现的任何缺陷将由修船厂免费修复。

6. 合同终止

英文:This contract may be terminated by either party upon written notice to the other party. In the event of termination,

the shipyard will be entitled to payment for all work carried out up to the date of termination.



英文:This contract is executed in duplicate, with one copy to be held by each party.

