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How to Teach English笔记整理

Unit One How to be a good teacher

What makes a good teacher?

How should teachers talk to students?

How should teachers give instructions?

Who should talk in class?

What are the best kinds of lesson?

How important is it to follow a pre-arranged plan?

What makes a good teacher?

Focus on moral education;

Teachers’ character and personality;

Care more about their students’ learning than their own teaching.

How to be a good teacher

How should teachers talk to students?


Unconscious simplification which both parents and teachers make;

The modification of language that is suitable to students of different level

Physical movement:

Gestures, expressions, mime

How should teachers give instructions?

Rules: simple & logical


ask one to repeat your instruction

ask someone to translation your instruction into the students’ native language

Who should talk in class?

Maximise STT (Student Talking Time)

Minimise TTT (Teacher Talking Time)

Who should talk in class?

What is good TTT?

Good TTT must follow the rule of “comprehensive input”

The Input hypothesis is Stephen Krashen's attempt to explain how the learner acquires a second language. In other words, this hypothesis is Krashen's explanation of how second language acquisition takes place. So, the Input hypothesis is only concerned with 'acquisition', not 'learning'.

According to this hypothesis, the learner improves and progresses along the 'natural order' when he/she receives second language 'input' that is one step beyond his/her current stage of linguistic competence.For example, if a learner is at a stage 'i', then acquisition takes place when he/she is exposed to 'Comprehensible Input' that belongs to level 'i + 1'.

What are the best kinds of lesson?

Try your best to break boredom:

Change your clothes;

Bahaving calmly and slowly one day if you are normally noisy and energitec;

Variety of your class:

Keep balance between predictable safety and unexpected variety.

How important is it to follow a pre-arranged plan?

A balance has to be struck between teachers attempting to achieve what they set out to achieve on the one hand and responding to what students are saying or doing on the other.

Be flexible if your plan is interrupted by students.

How important is the students’ motivation?

What is motivation?

Motivation refers to elements that push students to do learning activities.

According to the source of motivation, it can be divided into intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation.

Gardener and Lamber classified motivation of foreign language acquisition into instrumental motivation(工具型动机) and integrative motivation(融入型动机) from the perspective of social linguistics.

Learners with instrumental motivation aim to reach their goal and treat the language just as one kind of tool, such as finding a good job and so on.

Learners with integrative motivation desire to mix with the culture of the second/ foreign language and always show deep interest in the culture and people influenced by this language.

How important is the students’ motivation?

Conclusions of Gardner and Lamber’s theory:

Highly motivated students do better than ones without any motivation at all.

Integrative motivation was more powerful than Instrumental motivation.

How important is the students’ motivation?

How to provoke students’ interest and involvement in the class?

Choice of topic, activity and linguistic content that students are interested in;

Incentive mechanism: verbal commendation, honor, material reward, examination

How to help students?


Reading assignment;

Practical activities

Who is responsible for learning?

Unit Four Lesson Planning
