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元素和化合物:elements and compounds

培养基设计:medium design

醇类物质的命名:nomenclature of alcohols

青霉素和它的生物合成:penicillin and its biosynthesis

水解酶类:hydrolytic enzymes

核苷酸和核酸:nucleotides and nucleic acids

蛋白质浓度的分析程序:assay procedure for protein concentration

微生物和病毒:microorganisms and viruses

原核与真核生物的区别:different between prokaryotes and eukaryotes

菌种保藏:maintenance and storage

好氧微生物和厌氧微生物:Aerobes and Anaerobes

自养型微生物和异养型微生物:autotrophic microorganisms and heterotrophic microorganisms

细菌的基因克隆:Gene cloning in bacteria

变异株筛选:selection of mutagens

药品研发程序:the drug development process


1 化合物是一种物质。它可以分解为两种或两种以上元素

A compound is a substance that can be split into two or more elements

2 在细菌细胞内,大多数,mRNAs是不稳定的。它们的半衰期是2-4min(50摄氏度)

Most mRNAs in bacteria are unstable with half-lives of 2-4min (50摄氏度)

3 这些微生物的有关特性是它们不应是病原性的,而且易于保存,培养时花费不多

The relevant characteristics of these microorganisms are that they should be nonpathogenic ,easy to mountain and cheap to grow 。

4 一旦翻译结束。核糖体就从膜上释放下来

On completion of translation the ribosome is released from the membrane

5 真核生物细胞中蛋白质与原核生物中的区别在于真核生物染色体病不是最初“转录”到mRNA上,而是转录到一个分子量的异源核的mRNA上

Protein synthesis in eukaryotic cells differs from that in prokaryotes in that the primary transcript from the eukaryotic chromosome is not mRNA but a high molecular weight heterogeneousnuclear RNA

6 很显然,要通过这些途径增加并引导代谢物质的流向,在必要时,就必须除去这些限制

Obviously to increase and direct metabolic flux through such pathways, these restrictions must be removed where necessary

7 关于获得高度表达克隆基因的重要性已经写了很多。但对于载体程定性这一问题的理解却所知甚少Much has been written about the value of obtaining high express of cloned genes. but a less well understood problem to vector stability

8为使这一短暂发展的微生物技术现代化,早在20世纪70年代,就有人提出了酶的限制和修饰系统。To bring this(microbial biotechnology)brief history up to date , restriction and modification systems in bacteria were described in the early 1970s


1,Biotechnology sales remain small compared with the chemical industry ,Which has products valued at $700,000 million annually ,and also small Compared with the size of the agriculture industry .



2,Organic compounds may be biodegradable (transformed by biological mechanisms which might lead to complete mineralization ),persistent(fail to undergo biodegradation in a particular environment or under a specific set of experimental conditions) or recalcitrant (inherently resistant to biodegradation ).


3,Although biotechnology involves the potential use of all living forms ,microorganisms have played a major role in the development of this discipline and will continue to be used extensively for the foreseeable future .reasons for this include the ease of mass cultivation of bacteria and moulds ,the speed at which they grow ,the cheapness of general medium constituents such as agricultural wastes ,the massive diversity of metabolic types ,which in turn gives rise to diversity of potential products ,and the tremendous possibilities for genetic manipulation either in terms of strain improvement or new products

3,虽然生物技术涉及所有生命形式的潜在用途,但微生物在本学科的发展中的作用依旧是主要的,并将在不久的将来继续广泛使用。原因包括细菌和霉菌大规模培养的缓解,生长迅速,一般培养基成分便宜,如农业废弃物,代谢类型的多样性导致潜在产品的多样性,基因操作使得包括菌种的选育或新产品有巨大的可能性4,The total concentration of particular intracellular enzyme present in cells is regulated by the relative rates of synthesis and degradation or inactivation of that each protein has an average limited half-life .proteins also vary in their susceptibility to proteolytic attack ,net synthesis of an enzyme occurs when the rate of synthesis is greater than the rate of degradation .


5,This phenomenon frequently occurs when the cell is grown in a medium containing more than one utilizable growth substrate .in carbon catabolite repression ,enzymes are synthesized which catabolize the best substrate ,usually glucose ,and only after exhaustion of this substrate are enzymes produced to break down the poorer growth substrate.


6,If glucose are synthesized ,and the enzymes which break down the lactose are repressed because of the effect of catabolite repression of glucose .


7,Many enzymes ,including protease are repressed by rapidly utilizable amino acids or ammonia (nitrogen catabolite repression). Limitation of ammonia in the fermentation growth media usually de-presses synthesis of these enzymes .


8,This is particularly important for the biotechnologists since the commercial advantages of secreted protein product, include higher yields and ease of recovery and purification compared with cytoplasmic protein.



9,Mixed cultures are being exploited in aspects of modern biotechnology because they offer culture

stability and resistance to contamination .higher biomass yields than monocultures and the ability to metabolize toxic materials that after recalcitrant to single strains



