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1. English is ________ useful language in the world.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /

2. ---- Is that you, John?

---- Yes. ________ John speaking. Who is that?

A. I am

B. He is

C. This is

D. That is

3. There is _________ I want to tell you.

A. something important

B. important something

C. important the something

D.the important something

4. Mary gets up early _____ Sunday mornings.

A. in

B. for

C. at

D. on

5. You ________ smoke here. This is no-smoking area.

A. must

B. mustn‟t

C. needn‟t

D. shouldn‟t

6. ----- ______ is your mother?

----- She feels better and better.

A. What

B. Who

C. How

D. Which

7. _______ he will attend the meeting is not clear.

A. Whether

B. If

C. That

D. /

8. ---- What about going to a movie?

---- That‟s ______.

A. good idea

B. right

C. an idea

D. all right

9. Making preparations___very important for camping.

A. are

B. has

C. is

D. have

10. Would you mind ______ the window?

A. me close

B. my close

C. mine close

D. my closing

11. She ____ his invitation to the ball but didn‟t ____ it.

A. receive ; accept

B. accepted ; receive

C. received ; accept

D. accept ; receive

12. The students in Grade Three are made ___ ten hours a day.

A. study

B. to study

C. studied

D. studying

13. By the time I graduated I _____5000 English words.

A. have learned

B. have been learned

C. had learned

D. had been learned

14. The patient should ________ to the hospital at once.

A. send

B. be send

C. be sent

D. is sent

15. Could you tell me __________?

A. where are you from

B. where you to be from

C. where do you come from

D. where you are from

16. Do you remember the days ______ we spend together?

A. when

B. that

C. where

D. what

17. ----- I am sorry but I can‟t go there with you.

----- __________. I can go there by myself.

A. I am glad to

B. It‟s my pleasure

C. It doesn‟t matter

D. Not at all

18. It is never too late to learn, ______?

A. is it

B. isn‟t it

C. does it

D. doesn‟t it

19. Your son is _______ honest boy that all of us like him very much.

A. such a

B. so a

C. such an

D. so

20. The old lady ______ us her spare bedroom for $300 per month.

A. rented

B. hired

C. borrowed

D. lent


Food is very important. Everyone needs to __21__ well if he or she wants to have a strong body. Our minds also need a kind of food. This kind of food is__22__. We begin to get knowledge even when we are very young. Small children are __23__ in everything around them. They learn __24__ while they are watching and listening. When they…re getting older, they begin to __25__ story books, science books, anything they like. When they find something new, they love to ask questions and __26__ to find out the answers.

What is the best __27__ to get knowledge? If we learn __28__ ourselves, we will get the most knowledge. If we are __29__ getting answers from others and do not ask why, we will never learn well. When we study in the right way, we will learn more and understand __30__.

21. A. sleep B. read C. drink D. eat

22. A. sport B. exercise C. knowledge D. meat

23. A. interested B.interesting C. weak D. better

24. A. everything B.something C. nothing D.anything

25. A. lend B. read C. learn D. write

26. A. try B. have C. think D. wait

27. A. place B. school C. way D. road

28. A. on B. with C. to D. by

29. A. often B. always C. usually D. some

30. A. harder B. much C. better D.well



Susan and Laura are twins. They were born in a hospital in New York in 1943.When they were only two weeks old, their parents were killed in a car accident. There was nobody to look after the two baby girls, so they were raised in two different homes for children without parents.

They grew up without seeing each other again. When Susan was twenty-one, she went to live in Australia; but Laura continued to live in New York. Later, Laura discovered that she had a twin sister. And she would like to meet her. For two years, she wrote to newspapers, asking for information and finally she found out where Susan was living. Laura wrote to her and arranged to fly to Australia to meet her.

When the two sisters met after thirty years, they talked a great deal about themselves, their lives and their families. They discovered some surprising coincidences (巧合的事). They both liked the same colors, the same music, the same clothes, the same food and the same books.

But more surprising, they both had become nurses; and they had been trained to be nurses at the same time. Both of them had married doctors; and their husbands were tall and black. Both of them had had two daughters and one son. Still more strange, they both had got married on the same day, and their first children had been born within a few days.

31. Their parents died when they were _________.

A. two years old

B. thirty years old

C. two weeks old

D. thirty months old

32. They both had _________.
