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高考常见词汇分类汇总一、餐馆场景二、邮局场景go Dutch/ Let’s go go out for dinner 制AA 出去吃饭 envelope stamp 信封邮票 fifty fifty. / eat out overweight package / parcel 超重包裹 dining hall buffet 餐厅自助餐 a deliver / post / send extra postage 发信/ 寄额外邮资 coffee shop cafeteria 自助餐厅咖啡店 letter / mail canteen restaurant 食堂餐馆airmail express mail 航空信件快件appetizer snack bar 开胃菜大排挡小吃街; open an account surface mail 开一个帐户陆地邮寄cheese steak 牛排奶酪 mailbox Registered mail 邮箱挂号信Soft drink sandwich 软饮料三明治postman Post office 邮局邮递员 popcorn cookie 爆米花饼干 deliver mail 递送邮件 mutton pork 羊肉猪肉 telegram stamp 电报邮票 sea food beef 海鲜牛肉三、图书馆场景 menu beverage 菜单 ) 统称(饮料borrow library card 借书卡借进bacon sandwich 腌肉三明治培根, keep lend 保留借出plain water soup (西餐中洗自来水汤bookshelf renew 书架更新手用的)science fiction novel 科幻小说小说 Coke Sprite 可乐雪碧Love story detective story 侦探小说言情小说

alcohol wine 白酒红酒 tragedy comic books 悲剧漫画,连环画fruit salad 水果沙拉drama/play comedy 戏剧喜剧 dessert hamburger 甜品,水果(作为汉堡包 Soap opera Beijing Opera 连续剧肥

皂剧,京剧正餐的最后一道) a series of story/tale 一系列故事 French fries doughnut 炸薯条多纳圈Role/character plot 角色情节serve order 点菜上菜humor Legendary 传奇幽默Keep the change! change 不用找零钱了!零钱objective critical 客观的批评的 This is my treat! tip 我请客!小费 disapproving/against approving/for 反对的赞成的flour make dumplings 包饺子面粉pessimistic optimistic 悲观的乐观的noodles porridge 面条粥 doubtful ironic 怀疑的讽刺的 hot pot Roast Beijing 火锅,涮羊肉北京烤鸭 issue/ e-book 电子书问题;版本 Duck Press ambiguous 出版社模糊不清的页 8 共页 1 第

高考听写词汇分类汇总 stomach-ache headache unconcerned cautious 胃疼头疼不关心的谨慎的backache cough clue hint 背疼咳嗽线索暗示sore-throat regular doctor newspaper biography 报纸传记

喉咙痛私人医生runny nose toothache magazine

periodical 牙疼期刊杂志流鼻涕librarian reference book feel good./I feeling not am I 图书管理员参考书 ) 语气非常郁闷。降调,(不好。 Publish pay a fine these myself not am I / terrible/horrible/awful. 出版;发行交罚款days. 四、医院及健康场景be couldn’t good/terrific./Ifeel fine./I I’m 语调上扬,语气非常欢(好。emergence department treatment 治疗手段急诊室better./Nothing is very wrong with me. 快.) operation ambulance 手术救护车五、电话场景one’s take ICU (intensive care unit) 测量体温特护病房collect call operator 对方付费的电接线员temperature 话wound cut 创伤,伤口伤口 put through the Hold ;up/ on hold 接通电话请稍等。 HIV/AIDS hurt/injure 艾滋病病毒伤害,损害 line, please. clinic sniff 诊所门诊部;嗅call/ telephone/ ring/ phone sb dentist ward 牙科医生病房 give sb. a call/ ring 给某人打电话 medical department surgical department 内科外科The line is bad/ busy / engaged. 电话占线。 aspirin take one’s blood pressure阿司匹林测量血压 It kept a busy line. sickness/illness pregnancy 怀孕疾病I couldn’t get through. cure cancer 治愈癌症I’ll call back later / again. 一会儿再回电 prescription diagnose

处方诊断I’ll ring him / her up again. 话。dizzy throw up 呕吐晕眩的Sorry, I’m afraid you have the wrong number. 打错了 physical psychological 身体的心理的 6226, Extension long distance call 6226 请转长途电话 heart attack take medicine/pills/ tablets 心脏病药片/吃药丸 please. have/catch a cold have a cold / flu 患流感感冒 send a fax International call 国际长途电话发传真have a fever pain/ache 发烧疼痛send a message mobile/cell phone 发信息手机keep fit/healthy health care 卫生保健保持(身体)六、酒店场景健康 book a room make a reservation 预定房间预定keep slim take physical exercises 保持苗条进行体育锻炼 Front desk reception desk 接待处前台be on a diet lose weight 减肥节食页 8 共页 2 第

高考听写词汇分类汇总timetable Journey/trip check out check in 时刻表旅行;行程结账入住Highway toll station express way suite single room 高速路收费站高速公路套间单间May I see your license, please? morning call double room ? 我可以看看你的执照吗叫醒服务双人间 You will be fined by $20. 美元。20你将被罚款and food service customer beverage 餐饮部客服部department
