最新开心英语小学三年级下册Unit 3 My room 公开课教学设计

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Unit 3 My room




需要掌握的单词:bed; pillow; window; door; clock; lamp; black; white 需要掌握的句子:What’s that/this? That/This is… Is this/that…? 2、锻炼学生听说读写的能力。









Step 1 热身与复习(Warm up and preview)

1. Greetings:

2. Free talk: What’s in our classroom? 让学生Guess: What’s in my hand?逐渐引出本课的内容。

3、I have a new room, too.点击鼠标,What’s in my room ? Let’s play a game .通过游戏:magic eyes 的形式复习之前学过的有关家具的名词。 For example : sofa, fridge, phone, shelf,bed, table ......

复习完之后老师告诉学生:I have some money , I want to buy something to

make my room more beautiful. Can you help me? What should I buy? Step 2 展示新课(Presentation)


(1).Look at the pictures, and point the pupils to say the words.

(2) Review the words about the room things together.


(1)Look at the pictures, and point the pupils to say the words, and then read the words together.

(2)Look at the pictures, fill in the locative preposition, then read the word groups.

3. Learn the new sentences.

(1)The teacher act, and point the pupils to guess the action words, then learn the word groups: reading a book, and the sentence: you’re reading

a book.

4. Look at the Tony’s room.

They are curtains. It’s bed. It’s pillow. Where is the door? Listen to the story and find it out.

Let’s listen again.

What is Toby doing?


Let’s look again and do it.

5.老师取出教学卡片,what’s this? This is….(bed; pillow; window; door; clock; lamp;)老师板书并领读,学生跟读。引入新词。

6.老师带领学生朗读课文。Read the sentences in the story.



Step 3 练习(Practice)

1. Reading. Nine sentences one by one .

2. Listen and point.

3. Read and point in pairs.

4. Listen and fill in the numbers.

5. Fill in the blanks.

6.Let’s chant: 播放歌谣,师生齐读并练习所学单词。

7.Activity: Introduce your new house介绍自己的房子(学生小组活动)

T: 教师先把自己添了家具的房间进行一个简单的介绍: In my room, I have... 点击鼠标,屏幕逐个出现本节课所学单词的图片。

介绍完之后,T: What do you have in your room? Please introduce it like me.


师问:Is this your bedroom?


S1: Yes, it is. 并描述

S1, S2, S3依次描述


8. 课件出示一棵树,树上有各种颜色的苹果,每个苹果上有一个问题。

T: Well done. Now let’s have a competition. Look at the apple tree. In each apple there is a question. You can get one point for your group if you answer it right. Now Group 1, which apple do you like? S: I like the red apple. T: Ok, listen. What thing can make us cool? S: ...
