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六上英语第六单元独立作业 2014.1 Class Name Number Score



1. How do you (feel / do) ?

2. John is (angry / happy).

3. My hobby is playing (basketball / football).

4. The cat is (afraid / angry) with the mice.

5. My aunt works in a big (office / factory).

6. If you like writing, you can be a (writer / secretary).

7. A. I’m afraid of the dog. B. They’re afraid of the dog.

8. A. My mother is angry with me. B. The teacher is angry with him.

9. A. You should go to the hospistal. B. You should see a doctor.

10. A. What are you doing here? B. What are you doing, Mike?


1 ( )

2 ( )

3 ( )

4 ( )

5 ( )


三、根据你所听到的问题,选择最合适的答句. 5%

( ) 1.What is Linda going to do?

A. She’s watching TV.

B. She’s going to see a doctor. ( ) 2. Tina is worried. Why?

A. The cat is ill.

B. The cat is in the tree. ( ) 3. How does Tony’s mother feel now?

A. She feels cold.

B. She feels afraid. ( ) 4. What are they talking about?

A. Going to the zoo.

B. Going to the park. ( ) 5. How is Sam feeling? A. He is angry. B. He is happy.


1. Mike failed his maths test, he _______ very ________ .

2. I’m _______, I want to _______ warm clothes.

3. She’s going to _______ a ________, because she is_______.

4. The cat is ________ with the mice, the mice are _________ of him.

5. What’s _________? Y ou look so worried.



( ) 1. A. happy B. angry ( ) 2. A. see B. doctor

( ) 3. A. hurt B. ant ( ) 4. A. what B. where ( )5. A. visit B. sunny ( ) 6. A. trip B. sad


1 ( )A. angry B. sad C. chase

2()A. bread B. tea C. breath

3 ( )A. count B. should C. mouse

4()A. ill B. hiking C. right


1、about this what’s cartoon ( ?)

2、because bad mice the are (.)

3、is angry with the cat them (.)

4、a deep breath take should you (.)

5、I should what do ( ?)

6、see morning you should this a doctor (.)

7、does dad now feel how (?)

8、the red light Don’t go at (.)

9、are going to we in Renmin Park draw some pictures(.)

10、because he’s worried he his homework can’t find


( )1. _____are you going? I’m going to the nature park.

A. When

B. What

C. Where

( )2.I’m going to see a cartoon a cat. A. about B. in C. with

( )3. It is a ________day. A. sun B. sunny C. son ( )4. ______ do you feel now? A. What B. How C. When ( )5. My uncle gives me a nice skirt, so I am very ____.

A. sad

B. happy

C. angry ( )6.Sarah is ill, she should _______.

A. see a doctor

B. take a deep breath

C. do more exercise

( )7. The ant is stuck in the mud. He is___.

A. Sorry

B. happy

C. worried

( )8. What are you _____ there? A. do B. to do C. doing ( )9. I’m going to buy English book.

A. a

B. an

C. some

( )10. My dog is lost. I’m very_______.

A. afraid

B. sad

C. happy

( )11.Don’t be angry ______your sister. She’s only two.

A. in

B. for

C. with

( )12.I’m not well. Let’s go to the ______.

A hospital

B cinema

C museum

( )13. They’re _________.They pull Robin out of the mud.

A ill

B strong


( )1. The cartoon is about a cat. A 不要难过。

( )2. It’s a sunny morning. B 这是一个晴朗的早上。

( )3. Don’t be sad. C 它们害怕他。

( )4. They’re afraid of them. D 这部漫画是关于一只猫的。( )5. Like father, like son. E 虎父无犬子。

十、选词填空。 5%
