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Welcome to the unit

1. a magazine article about school life 关于学校生活的一篇杂志文章

2.two articles about school clubs 两篇关于学校俱乐部的文章

3.talk about school activities 谈论学校活动

4.discuss daily school life with your partner 和你的同伴讨论学校生活

5.report your school activities to your class teacher 将你的学校生活向你的老师报告

6.make a poster for a new school club 为一个新的学校俱乐部做海报

7.High school is a time of discovery, learning and hard work.


8.some differences between the lives of Chinese and British high school students


9.What is your dream school life like? 你梦想中的学校生活是什么样的? Reading

10.in the past year 在过去的一年里

11.Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for

me. 去英国的一所高中呆一年对我来说是一次愉快而令人激动的经历.

12.be happy with…/be satisfied with…/be pleased with…对…感到满意

13.This means I could get up an hour later than usual as schools in China begin before 8 a.m.


14.on the first day 在第一天

15.attend an assembly 参加集会at assembly 在集会上

during the assembly在集会期间

16.I sat next to a girl whose name was Diana. 我坐在一个名叫Diana的女孩旁

17.tell us about the rules of the school 告诉我们关于学校的规则

18.the best way to earn respect 赢得尊敬的最好的方式

19. devote oneself to…致力于;献身于; 专心于

20.achieve high grades 获得高分achieve high scores

21.sound like…听起来像…

22.the average size 平均规模on average 平均

23.move to different classrooms for different classes 去不同的教室上不同的课

24.I found the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school.


25. a bit challenging for sb. 对某人来说有点挑战性

26.give sb much encouragement 给某人很多鼓励

27.improve a lot 提高很多

28.spend an hour each day reading English books in the library


29.during the lunch break 在午餐休息期间

30.send e-mails to sb. back home for free 免费发邮件回家给某人

31.an extra French class 一节额外的法语课

32.on Tuesday evenings 每个星期二晚上

33.at the end of term 在学期末

34.hold a class party 举办班级晚会

35.drop studying some subjects 放弃学一些学科

36.choose some subjects like…挑选一些像…学科

37.miss sth/sb. a lot 非常想念某人/某物

38.at lunch 在午餐时after lunch 午饭后

39.like eating desserts 喜欢吃甜食

40.at the end of the main meal 主食结束时

41.play on the school field 在学校操场上玩

42.relax under a tree 在树下放松

43.sit on the grass 坐在草地上

44.experience this different way of life 经历这种不同的生活方式

45.with satisfaction 满意地

46.get a general idea of…获得…的总的意思

47.find certain information 找到特定的信息

48.scan the text for key words and phrases 扫描/浏览课文找出关键词和短语

49.word by word 逐个单词地

municate with…和某人交流

51.according to…根据,按照…

52.in an interesting way 以一种有趣的方式

53.make friends with…和某人交朋友

54.at the end of dinner 在吃饭结束时at dinner 在吃饭时

55.first of all 首先at first

56.introduce myself (to you)(向你)介绍我自己

57.at the weekend /on the weekend 在周末on weekends

58.surf the internet 上网冲浪

59.I didn’t realize schools in the UK are so different from schools in China until I read your

article. 直到看了你的文章我才意识到英国的学校和中国的学校有那么不同.

60.become used to…习惯…be used to…get used to…

61.have respect for…对...敬重

62.plan on…计划…attend a high school 上高中

63.Best wishes! 致以最好的祝福!

64.What subjects do you like best? 你最喜欢的科目是什么?

65.be interested in…对…感兴趣

66.What subjects would you like to take if you could choose?如果可以选择你会选那些科目? Word power

67.at the school gate 在学校的大门处

68.the quickest way to get to sp. 去某处最快的路

69.walk towards…朝….走

70.go/walk between …. and …. 在….和…之间走

71.walk/go past…走过

72.go straight on 继续直走

73.next to…在…旁边

74.go back to the dormitories 返回宿舍

75.afternoon classes 下午的课程

76.much more than you expect 比你期待的多许多

77. a library with over 48,000 books 有48,000多藏书的图书馆

78.Twelve science labs are available for different experiments.


79.The indoor swimming pool is open all year round for students who like swimming.
