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Faking Pregnancy for Better Treatment

1. mobile (adj) 行动方便的,腿脚灵活的

2.maturity (n) 成熟期→ mature (adj) 成熟的,成年的

A Special Zoo for Special Animals:

3. distressed (adj) 痛苦的,虚弱的

4. domesticated (adj) 驯养的,

→ domesticate (v) 驯养,驯化

→ domestication (n) 驯养

Don’t Ignore Those Ugly Animals

5. extinction (n) 灭绝,绝种

6.highlight (v) 强调,使突出

7.squash (v) 把…压扁

8.conservation (n) 保护,保存

→conserve (v) 保护,保存


From Manga to Real Life (P4)

9.reconstruct (v) 重建,重构

10.visual (adj) 视觉

11.pave the way for = smooth the way for (为…做准备,为…铺平道路)

Smart phones on Wheels (P4)

12.overtake (v) 追赶,超过 up 装满,充满

14.navigation (n) 导航

15.unveil (v) 揭露,公开

16.artificial (adj) 人造的,人工的

Caring for an Aging Population

17.collapse (v)倒下,垮掉

18.facilities (n) 设施,设备

19.assist (v)帮助,协助

20.tragedy (n) 悲剧


P1: A Question of Character

1.extraordinarily 格外地,特别地ADV.

2.accuse sb. of doing sth. 指控某人做某事V.

3.integrity 正直,诚实N.

P2: Sheep Dog on Wheels

4.prove to be effective 证明是有效的V.

P4: The Nightmare of Wildlife

5.analysis 分析N. P4: The Great Green Wall

6.restore the soil’s vitality修复土壤的活力V.

P5: Old Phone Box Enjoys New Life

7.resident 居民N.

P6: 学生习作

8.tearsth. apart 把…撕开V.

9.blush with shame and embarrassment 因窘迫而羞红脸V.

P6: 参考范文

10.b e convinced that 确信V.


P1: A Perfect Stranger or a Perfect Clone light of 鉴于,根据PREP.

2.exposureto sb./sth. 与…接触N.

P2: China Lauches Landmark Stock Link

unch a trade link 启动(贸易通) V. (P4: China’s Space Odyssey)

launch a cargo ship 发射(货运飞船) V.

P2: Little Computer Genius Passes Microsoft Exam

4.introduce sb. to sth. 让某人初次接触V.

P4: A Historic Touchdown

5.transmit 传送,传输V.

6.exhaust 耗尽V.

exhausted 耗尽的ADJ.

7.shed light on sth. 使人了解…V.

P5: A Sweet Solution be familiar withsth 某人熟悉某事V.

P6: How Do American Teachers Teach in High School? 重视集体的ADJ. p8: Roger Out, Novak Reigns

10.c laim a third consecutive …title连续三次获得…冠军V.

Follow your heart

1. prestigious university adj. 著名的大学

prestige n. 名声

2. estimate n./v. 估计

3. be supposed to 应该,相当于should

Shopping makes you happier

4. retail therapy retail n. 零售therapy n. 治疗方法

5. previous adj. 以前的

6. reflect on 反思

China’s online shoppers go abroad

7. brand n. 牌子

8. primary adj. 基础的,重要的

The death of the American Mall

9. decline v. 下降,婉言拒绝

10. fled flee的过去式和过去分词,v. 逃跑


Soccer goes to school

1. mandatory adj.强制的

2. elite n. 精英

3. strive to do sth. v. 努力做某事

Stories behind famous Ad Slogans

4. penalty n. 惩罚

5. come up with sth. 想出主意/想法

Web Ads are stalking us

6. data n. 数据(库)

7. It makes sense to do sth. 做…是聪明的行为

What hides behind Job Ads

8. potential adj./n. 潜在的,潜能

9. as long as 只要

10. figure out sth. 把…弄明白
