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hr个人年终总结(hr personal year-end


人力资源是指一定时期内组织中的人所拥有的能够被企业所用,且对价值创造起贡献作用的教育、能力、技能、经验、体力等的总称,要做好相关工作总结,今天我给大家带来了hr个人年终总结,希望对大家有所帮助。(Human resources refers to the general term for education, abilities, skills, experience, physical strength, etc. owned by the people in the organization that can be used by the enterprise within a certain period of time and contribute to value creation. It is necessary to summarize the relevant work. Today I will give Everyone brought hr's personal year-end summary, I hope it will be helpful to everyone.)

hr个人年终总结篇一(hr personal year-end summary article one)一、个人工作情况:(1. Personal work situation:)

一年内的工作感觉繁琐、忙碌,但是总结之下要做的也不过简简单单的几件事: 1、统计分析岗位需求。了解公司的缺员情况,随时掌握人员变动状况,定期对入职人员做分类统计。(The work within a year feels tedious and busy, but the summary is only a few simple things: 1. Statistical analysis of job requirements. Understand the company’s vacancies, keep abreast of personnel changes, and regularly make classified statistics on



3、协助办理员工登记、入职手续。(2. Search and contact urgently needed talents. Check the talent network and company email every day, screen job applicants' resumes, contact qualified candidates for interviews, and obtain the required talent information and get in touch through various other channels. 3. Assist in staff registration and entry procedures.)


5、准确无误的完成了公司上市审计工作的资料准备,准确无误的完成了公司准入资料的准备。(4. Update and improve the talent pool. Regularly grasp the company's talent information, and do a good job of reasonable arrangements of manpower. 5. Completed the preparation of the company's listing audit work accurately and accurately, and completed the preparation of the company's access information accurately.)


7、组织协助参加了中秋晚会,园区联谊晚会 ......(6. This year, 199 people are recruited, 248 people are reserved, 207 people are eliminated, and 78 people are resigned. 7. Organized

and assisted to participate in the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala and the Garden Party ......)

随着对工作的熟悉我接触了更多更有挑战性的工作,如员工培训、活动组织、招聘会等等,但是对于我来说,目前的工作内容已经足够我消化一阵子了。熟能生巧,在我熟练掌握各项工作后也许会发现,今天看似有挑战性的工作也不过如此。二、个人经验总结:(As I became familiar with the work, I came into contact with more and more challenging jobs, such as employee training, event organization, job fairs, etc., but for me, the current work content has been enough for me to digest for a while. Practice makes perfect. After I have mastered various tasks, I may find that today's seemingly challenging work is nothing more than this. 2. Summary of personal experience:)

1、对个人来讲应该在认真工作之余加强学习,不断提高自身专业素质,才能面对更大的挑战,也才不会被时代的潮流所淘汰。珍惜来之不易的机会,扎扎实实做好每份工作。(1. As far as individuals are concerned, they should strengthen their studies while working hard, and continuously improve their professional qualities, in order to face greater challenges and not be eliminated by the trend of the times. Cherish the hard-won opportunities and do every job well.)


