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1.Not until she had supper______________ .(直到她吃了晚饭她妈妈才回家)。(come)

2.______________,she helped her mother to do the housework.(尽管她累了,但她还是帮她妈妈做家务)(as)

3.Should______________,your health care and other benefits would not be immediately cut off.(如果你被开除,你的卫生保健和别的利益不会立即中止)(fire).

4.Never in my wildest dreams these people are living in such poor conditions.(我做梦也不能想像这些


5.Only with the help of the local guide______________(仅仅在当地向导的帮助下那些登山者获救了)(resc ue)

6.Greatly loved in China______________(在中国深受喜爱的是英国浪漫诗人)(poet)

7.So to work out the problem that I decided to ask Tom for advice. (我觉得算出这道题如此难以致于我决定向汤姆征求建议。)(find)

8.______________,he wasn’t able to educate his own child well.(尽管他是个教师)(as)

9.I’ve tried very hard to improve my English, but by no means(我已非常努力来提高我的英语,


10.No______________than the teacher came in.(铃声一响老师就进来了)(sooner)

11.Hardly______________when it began to rain.(我一回家就下起雨来了)(get)

12.So______________ that no fish can live in it.(湖如此的浅以至于没有鱼能生活在里面)(shallow).

13.Not only______________ ,but also he had to do his homework.(他不仅被迫留在家里,而且得做家庭作业)(force)

14.Standing beside the window______________(站在窗户旁边的是一个约6岁的孩子)(age)

15.Little______________ ,though he was in great danger himself.(虽然他自己处于非常危险中,但他不


16.Had ,I would have told you something about it.(如果看了电影,我会告诉你一些事情的。)(see)

17.At no time______________.(教师决不打学生)。(beat)

18. After that we never saw her again. Nor______________her.(那以后我们从没再看到她,也没收到她的信)。(hear)

19.You disliked him,______________(你不喜欢他,我也不喜欢他)。(so)

20.We have been told that under no circumstances ______________in the office for personal affairs. (我们已


21.Such______________ that they were all lost in thought after it was over.(它是一部如此动人的电影以至于


22.Only he told me secretly that not only ______________but also she was lazy.(只有他秘密地告诉我她不仅笨而且懒)(stupid)

23.You’ve no idea ______________to help the snow-bit victims out of trouble.(你不知道帮助灾民摆脱雪点的烦恼多么重要)(how)

24.“I have been to many places, but nowhere else ______________beautiful p lace”.said my father excitedly.(我爸爸兴奋地说“我到过许多地方,但我不能在别的地方找到如此美的地方”)(find)

25.Everyone has his or her special skill and interests, and only by discovering what we can do best _______ _______,and truly make a difference.(每个人有他或她的特殊技能和兴趣,仅仅通过发现我们能做得最好的,我们才能希望实现目标并真正有所作为)(reach)。

26. Scarcely______________when it began to rain.(我们一把粮食收进来天就开始下雨了)(gather).

27.Before dark, we arrived at a small town, east of which ______________ (天黑前,我们到达了一个小镇,它的东面是一个大农场)。(lie).

28. ______________ ,she failed.(不管她怎么努力,她还是失败了)(try, as)

29.He shouted, such ______________(他叫喊着,他是如此兴奋).(excitement)

30.the train than his parents ran towards him.(他一下火车,他的父母就向他跑过来) (get)

31. ,he doesn’t put his heart into his study.(虽然他聪明,但他没全神贯注于学习)(as)

32.Soin class that he could make himself understood.(他在课堂上讲英语讲得如此清楚以至于他能使别人听得懂)(speak)

33.In no circumstancesTaiwan to break away from the mainland.(中国决不允许台湾从大陆分裂出去)(allow)

34. , he is also a human being with dignity and people should give him love and respect.(尽管这个孩子是残疾的,但他也是有尊严的人,人们应该给他以爱和尊敬)(as)

35. , the qualities of our living still need improving.(虽然我们的国家富有,我们的生活质量仍需改善)(as)

36.Not until my brother returned from Hong Kong five decades laterthat his home village has changed so gre atly.(直到五十年后我的哥哥从香港返回来他才意识到他家乡的村子发生了如此大的变化)(realize)

37.Not only their missing son, but also they discovered a secret which had been hidden for 20 years.(他们不仅找到了丢失的儿子,而且还发现了隐藏20年的秘密) (find)

38.Only by constant practice (你才能学会如何正确演奏钢琴) (play)

39. so many grand bridges as in Wuhan.(任何别处你不可能看到像在武汉那么多的宏伟桥梁) (nowhere)

40.If John’s wife won’t go to the party, (如果约翰的妻子不参加晚会,他也不去) (neither)

41.Only when he returnedthe truth.(find )


42.Sothat he often turns a deaf ear to what his parents have advised. (naughty) 汤姆是如此淘气的孩子,经常不听父母劝告。


1. did her mother come back29. was his excitement

2. Tired as she was 30.No sooner had he got off

3. you be fired 31.Clever as he is

4. could I imagine 32.clearly did he speak English

5. were the mountain climbers rescued 33.will China allow

6. are the English Romantic poets 34.Disabled as the child is

7. difficult did I find it 35.Rich as our country is
